And I am a
You three are great.
You just have to read everything she writes as a joke. She has a long history of these sorts of posts.
Just a grain of salt.
At the core though, the message is correct. In game violence and a more hard core attitude is just as likely to lead to higher numbers online as the current approach of making the game softer. A lot of us are here for the hard game, not the easy one.
This thread has become quite popular, I’ll leave to allow the community to finish discussing this.
Thank you to all those who participated in a friendly manner. Your opinions are all appreciated.
The community as a whole is not toxic, far from it.
But it is seen as toxic because of an infinitely small number of players.
Same happens in other titles
In the beginning there was darkness and then came the theory of a giant firecrack- errm ooops that’s too far back.
Let me tell you about toxicity a bit.
So back in the day (yes, this is one of those stories kids, so settle down and listen) when I died the first time and became a capsuleer, the average player age was 32+. There has always been pvp and ganking and it was an unwritten law to be vigilant and careful whenever you undock.
New Eden wasn’t much populated back then and where there are little to no people, you have litte to fear. Sounds appealing right?
Many thought so and joined. What they didn’t realize is that with increasing population the risk increases also and some got upset that nobody told them that common sense was required.
Then as New Eden kept aging them noobs felt entitled to insta-compete with the veterans of EVE because skilltraining so long, must has Titan on day one.
There is lots of blaming to go around, right goofsworm?? CCP advertising “join EVE today and fly zee Titan weeeeh”
And people did. Whomever stayed figured out, oh CCP lied no Titan today
But I are zee noobs and I has a magic credit card and must fly zee Titan today. What to do? Hmm maybe buy zee old character. Okay lets to this and fly zee Titan today weeeh.
CCP saw this and thought weeeh we must make a way to inta-Titan everyone!!!1111eleven and they created cheat-sticks.
Now EVE became pay to win. CCP advertising, go get zee magic credit card and buy 989ß2458ß296829074912346915601896472354268462 accounts at once and get one free. Has all level 5 character on day one.
Why would CCP listen to their own lore? CCP needs zee magic credit cards, so screw everyone.
You wanna know what is toxic?
Knobbh with zee magic credit card buys 806738057280401856240756 accounts, using isboxer 2.0 and flies sooper dooper town to create 40000 gajillion a day. So this knobbh with zee credit card thinks, okay cool this must be how everyone does it AMIRITE.
He tells his buddies and his buddies tell their buddies in pre-school to do dis. And like Pascale’s triangle more account gets dumped into New Eden like there is no tomorrow and injecting even more gajillions into EVE.
And since everyone must have 956275ß58ß68087526585086786892645 accounts, according to dis knobbh and his magic credit card, every noob whom might want to try EVE for the first time and gets all excited realizes, oh, oh my, oh holy hell, I cannot compete with that and I won’t pay CCP for catering knobbhs with zee magic credit cards.
His observation of EVE being toxic is very accurate.
What happened? Did he get ganked in highsex? Nope, went on SiSi and tried things out. Then came zee almighty pre-school knobbh with zee magic credit card and agreed to a “1v830956724057240856905605628906579649056967489045679256”.
The noobie saw this and was very surprised that the kid with zee magic credit card “only” needed 490529ß5701478074802568056084680550868027856247956 sooper dooper towns to kill zee Ibis.
Low self esteem issues and other handicaps aside, the noobie didn’t see a future.
About the currency. Dat injecting 40000 gajilliions per second from zee knobbh with zee magic credit card and his isboxer 2.0 blobbh of sooper dooper towns running havens and sanctums every 10 seconds devalued the currency by a metric fuckton.
CCP take zee look a zee economics (LOL) and sees, oh gooddy EVE lives and grows. Must be good. Now we make zee ships better and increase zee pricetags by only 40000 billion% since everyone has so much currency now AMIRITE.
Highly mistaken as always, they just screwed everyone not willing or able to have zee magic credit card too buy zee cheat-sticks or 80367023578027ß9149084569658056ß67542 account like everyone else (AMIRITE) to buy zee magic sooper dooper towns and win zee fight against zis ebil Ibis disrupting zee injection of 40000 gajillions per second into EVE.
Toxicity in a nutshell. You are welcome.
Yeah to be honest, most of the wider gaming community are thin skinned millennial safe-space craving pan-gendered unicorn fanciers. It’s my honest opinion that people who think being “offended” is an actual problem need to harden up, both in game and IRL. If a guy i just killed threatens to sexually assault my mother, i’m not bothered because in reality he isn’t going to sexually assault my mother. Get it?
I like the EvE community because it’s a game where i can actually talk to other adults sometimes. I have actually found EvE’s playerbase to be the most mature of any game i play in fact so maybe it’s just the company people choose to keep
How do you know if someone is an adult? Yesterday someone said his 12 year old son is playing the game too, is in null sec alliance and is doing well.
Well i mean, there are loads of ways aren’t there
I could talk to him on text chat for 10 minutes and deduce if he is a child pretty accurately. But to be honest since everyone uses TS3 or equivalent your point is in fact pointless. As i stated, i have found a more adult player base here in EvE than other games and i like it that way.
Not everyone uses TS3 or equivalent to be honest.
What has happened lately to to make you think this way ?
My apologies. By “everyone” i actually meant “everyone serious about multiplayer gaming, and the majority of pc gamers who aren’t serious but are reasonably tech savvy”. Sorry i should have been more clear
Hmm, I wonder how it would be to be deaf in EVE and wanting to fight in fleets like incursions for example.
In WOW deaf players do raids without voice coms.
Same in EvE. Fleet commands are typed fast by a designated person.
I do not enjoy using voice communication while gaming. I have Discord, TS3 and Mumble and I also own a nice headset. I do a lot of multiplayer gaming. I simply prefer to not use voice comms. I would much rather use an in-game text based method of communication. For me, voice communication removes the game as a medium and branches into IRL communication. That is undesirable IMHO and I therefore avoid situations where voice communication is mandatory.
Moba and several FPS communities are far more “toxic”.
In EVE, its a bit of a character test.
You yourself can choose how non/toxic you are.
Personally I think its a failure if one resorts to death-threats or involves someones family etc into an ingame issue. An adult should have more self-restraint as well as self-respect to not allow themselves to drop to that level no matter how angry they get.
Anger is a normal human emotion, but letting it completely dominate one to the point of irrationality because of something that happened in a game is not something to be proud of.
As to political correctness and social niceties, Im not a fan.
But that is cos Im a absolute proponent of completely unbridled freedom of expression and speech. If you find what someone else says offensive, its up to you how you react. That is where true freedom stems from, not from trying to restrict others.
Take Zarvox Toral as an example: He’s most of the time roaming around solo while streaming. Of course he is talking to the chat, but that’s not the point. His way to play the game would work absolutely without that.
Think a bit outside of the box maybe.
Ok that’s one, i mean are you expecting me to start naming gamers that do use voice comms because i think it’s going to be one sided? I will bet you a Vindicator, that Zarvox Toral has voice comms software installed on his PC and that he uses it. Aside from an excuse to field your “outside the box” zinger i’m not sure what you’re actually getting at. Did you think i meant everyone uses TS3 for every game all the time? Because it seemed pretty clear the initial context was in regard to knowing the age of someone, which i still maintain is easily possible through the voice comms software ALMOST the entirety of the gaming community is familiar with in one iteration or another.