Here is an idea of how to make security missions or missions in general more attractive.
Give players who cannot complete certain missions the option to create a tradable item. Let’s call it a “mission contract,” so instead of declining or skipping, you can trade it on the market.
These items would have the same requirements when comes to standing and time limit to complete them like normal missions. This would have a positive impact because it would give more flexibility how to approach this aspect of EVE. New players would benefit if they can’t complete some missions and trade them, experienced players would buy some of the missions that they find lucrative. The short lifespan of this contract would prevent form market manipulation.
There are many other options I can think of what would these contracts look like. Maybe the percentage of rewards from TMCs goes to a person who is issuing contracts for example but in general I think you get the main point.
The issue is that a mission is created when accepted, that is a dungeon is created in space to hold it, until either the mission is completed or the mission timer elapses.
So if you are talking bout trading accepted mission, which seems to be the case since you talk about limited time, then there should be a limit on the number of missions that are created in space least players could make a server crash by creating an arbitrary high amount of dungeons.
That being said, I would appreciate being able to pick the next 10 missions I do. Zazzmatazz being one (especially in same system ^^ ).
Well my idea is you dont accept mission. But instead missons you dont wanna run you get as contracts/items. Upon activating contract you create dungon.
Sounds like nothing more than an end run around the 4 hour mission decline timer. Basically, you just want to run only the missions you like, then “decline” the others without penalty and put them up on contract. If what you are wanting was implemented, I could just cycle through missions and “decline” them (put them up on contracts) until I get Dread Pirate Scarlet, and just run nothing but that. That’s pretty much what you are wanting. The ability to farm only certain missions without the penalty of declining the missions you don’t like.
@Uriel_the_Flame is indeed correct. This could easily be exploited by using an army of alts to contract the good missions to your main so you could run The Blockade or Gone Berserk or Burner missions back to back to back on your main.
This means you can bypass the existing 4-h limit on agent refusal without a standing hit ?
Or does it mean upon item creation, the standing hit is taken by the refusing character ?
Or that the standing hit is taken by creating character, when (if) the item expires /is deleted ?
But then what prevents someone from taking your contracts and ruining your standing ?
No ? As long as it’s incurred the moment you create contract, it’s not a throwaway alt since you need to grind standing for them in the first place.
There would be a concern if the standing hit was not applied on creation, as in that case it would indeed allow to create a high number of contracts that would make the character unusable later on.
It is not pointless because you cant get level 4 missions if your reputation sucks. But if you have reputation to spare you can create them. Very simple
Ask another player to complete it for you if the mission is above your skills. And if you have nobody to ask just fail it and live with the consequences. Next time you will know.