Tranquility DDoS - 2020/05/03-08

It is internet of ■■■■ that is doing all these DDoS attacks. All those shitty devices that are for some reason connected to internet while having more holes than Swiss cheese… it doesn’t have to be this way but because pretty much all software comes with guarantee and responsibility voiding clauses this is what we get instead… What is required is big change in law for commercial software.

To be fair for station trading and industry how fast things go is of no concern…

Can log in, but omega chars have changed to alpha, skill training paused

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Write this one up today as a lost day in Eve Online.

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Maybe if you answered petitions in a timely manner i could be getting DC’d tonight, instead I am winning Eve.

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I lost my ship in abyssal because disconnect and now can not login to support ticket

Looking forward to the free skill points as compensation.

lost ship in conduit :frowning:
my first good ship…

@CCP_Convict any update on the DDoS? I hear a few talks on our comms that things are seem to going to normal. Any confirmation or update?

Thank you o7

Well, at least with the chat being dead i’m not forced into this stupid rookie chat i get pushed back in after every log-in annoyingly… sadly thats the only thing i can give a thumbs up for now :woozy_face:


I like Rookie Help. It’s like trying to teach Quantum Physics to dyslexic baby seals…

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@Lester_Loutte I can say I am in game, but same issue with all chats. it’s still a little laggy but things seem to work. Not much change on this end tbh. I’m as curious as you are.

New funtion ?
Can only logIn one of five pilots.
All are shown as Alpha-Accs, but can use their cloaking-device

Thats not funny guys!


Ok, thanks for the update.

Maybe it would be a good thing if CCP issue an official status update maybe every 30 mins or so so that we are not left scratching our head and speculating. But I understand that they themselves are overwhelmed, so lets just hope that this DDoS will be over soon, not later.

If you want up-to-the-minute updates, you’ll have to check CCP’s Reddit or Twitter…

Same here…check your skills…mine have paused because i’m in ‘alpha’ mode

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Yes, I’m having the same issue - it weirdly recognises that I should have Omega Character tab under Pilot’s Services but its behaving like I’m in Alpha. Preventing me from starting any new industry jobs or delivering ones that require Supply Chain Management because I’m not in the station :frowning:


Interesting, I’m not having that issue. Queue is running as normal as well.

If this is a ddos I hope its over faster than the last one, I’m sure CCP is doing all they can to fix any problems.

Do we have an estimated time. The Tranquility will be up? Will the player be reimbursed for the down time?