Tranquility DDoS - 2020/05/03-08

I don’t mind dealing with lag and stuff in game but please fix the fact that the clients won’t even boot. Thats seriously annoying. Starting to get sick of having to log in with only 1 account at a time and having to hit start 2-10 before a client actually fully boots. VPN doesn’t work I tried multiple countries.


we the players demand a refund on omega time , for time lost on not being able to play , countless times of being disconnected and not being able to log in for several hours , for incompetence on behalf of ccp to maintain the servers safe and quiality in the game play.

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I think someone needs to stop these accounts who keep spamming in Jita. They spam scams over and over. One is advertising Geckos, who are worth about 240mill, for one million each, but then they are one billion in contracts. I think that in itself is fine, even though it’s unethical, but not spamming it every couple of seconds.

block is your friend

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And yet… CCP’s staunch commitment to fight botters via implementing the relist fee to combat the feared 1isk bot etc. and somehow in all of the life of eve they are not able to get rid of the jita spam bot… the irony…

maybe the button “pause” come up in abyss? And online monitoring of ddos ​​attacks of eve servers would also be nice to have.

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That’s a proprietary backbone server.

It can’t be addressed externally.

If there are lost packets there, it’s an internal issue.

The only likely internal issue is trouble dealing with the white list from CCP.

The fact that Omega accounts are being impacted far more than Alpha accounts points to this as well.

I know you want to believe authority here, but they’ve lied to us before and they’re lying to us now.

Also a 2.5% packet loss, while not optimal, isn’t likely to cause the level of DC that we’re seeing. Failure of CCP to validate incremental authority on their internal validation servers could easily do so, though.

This has the feel of a FUBAR related to internal account validation at CCP.

I’m not there and I can’t check it myself, but I spent enough time dealing with this when I was still working full time that I’m relatively confident that this is the issue.

I still consult and as I said, it would be a breach of trust to endorse, directly or otherwise, any of the six or seven (there’s one I’m not sure of how reliable it is) such sites. They are however readily accessible using the search criteria I gave. I’m sorry you felt that to be non-responsive and condescending. I meant it to be neither. I gave as much detail as I felt comfortable giving given my current professional limitations.

i connected this morning but now i can’t connect again :frowning:
it is boring third day i play and 2 days with problems … i don’t know if it is a good idea for me taking omega acount :frowning:

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still issues in the UK with chat dropping in and out and local slow to show people in system etc

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The ‘extraordinary claim’ here is that you claim to have full knowledge of exactly what’s happening, without any evidence whatsoever.

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Well, if it’s in the Eula that it’s not allowed to spam, then either make a code preventing them from posting too fast, like they do in World of Warcraft for instance, or they can just remove their accounts completely and everything on them. I guess they know what they are doing after so many years, but sometimes you have to be hard on those people. In the meantime I have to wait days until they can investigate why some of my blueprints don’t work. Some blueprints say I don’t have enough materials to make them, but then I can make others that require many times more materials. I have enough minerals to make sometimes hundreds of runs, but it says I have none. I hope they can kick those buggers, so the rest of us can continue enjoying the game.

i login to click my character nothing, no isk, nothing at all. I cant even get into the game. I will cont. to be patience, I hope everything will be solved. Take care


I had that yesterday but after restarting my pc it seemed to have worked and i could click on my toons and log in…

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I’m not the author of phrase “to take a break from EVE”, as I’m not the author of another weird phrases like “ISK per tick” or “my EVE career”.

Well, due to server side DCs and local DCs I lost in PVE around 40% of ships. DC happens when isn’t any active DDoS. Time to time I get EVE server DCs, while my applications are still connected to other online resuorces. And the current DDoS attack is another weird scenario. There is a lot of players, which haven’t any issues and their connection is just perfect during every DDoS, while other players experiencing random DCs during DDoS period and not only. ■■■■■■■ Cloud Technologies. This DDoS is like a diarrhea. You can loggin in, wait a while, check your market orders, wait again, start a Burner mission, jump to the grid and “BAM!” - read a message after screen not responding - “Connection to the server was lost”.


nothing worst then DDoSing :laughing:

is this new instance of DDoS attack?


Yes, the missiles are quite slow, and so you can outrun them in even an AB cruiser for a bit, let alone a MWD cruiser… but if you stop to loot the can before the sleeper BS is dead… then you risk multiple missiles catching up to you and hitting you at once, yep.

Orbit that sleeper BS with prop mod on and keep orbiting him until he is dead if you want to make sure you don’t get slammed by too many of his Phantasmata missiles at once. They’re slow, but you can’t let them catch up to you all at once like in your screenshot there.

Dear Sylvia… i guess you did not read all posts…

I still waiting to get back my 2 gila`s from this “event”, but here is some good staff… level 2 abyss site, 1 ship, 4096 damage in 2 s with 15 hits :). i want to get that ship :slight_smile:
Other then that Happy Birthday!

info :

Hello, fellow Texan. I thought it was armpit of the USA… either way, very hot and swampy and about to get worse as hurricane season arrives, eh?

Anywho, I think a lot of the worst issues have been during EUTZ as you suggest, however it was Saturday night around 2130 our time (CT), so 0230 in the morning Sunday EVE time, technically, that the worst of the DDOSing in the past few days happened. It wiped out every single chat channel, including local, no MOTDs, no nothing, no list of people in system with you. Right there smack dab in the middle of USTZ.

So it’s not confined to EUTZ, even if it’s mostly happening then.

Beautiful. Classic.