Today, using a well tanked skiff, I sat outside a structure in a 0.7 security system and tried to kill 5 Triglavian rats. I have maxed out tanking skills and I could not kill all 5 of the rats in my skiff. I had to warp off. Plus while I was getting ready to fight them they ate one of my drones. If I was using mining drones, I might lose them to the rats.
(EDIT: I have level 5 mastery for sub capital armor and shield tanking and level 5 mastery for drones… Level 5 mastery for skiff minus some mining skills that I don’t use.)
I used to like mining ore before the Triglavian belt rats were introduced to EVE. Since that happened, I have hardly mined ore at all. That used to be my main activity. It is difficult to mine ore in high sec because of the Triglavian belt rats. I am trying to do manufacturing and I cannot do that if I cannot mine the minerals.
A few weeks ago, I tried to mine ore in a 0.6 system. I have 3 toons mining in skiffs and one hauling/boosting in an Orca. I have hardly been able to mine anything because the Triglavian belt rats keep showing up. I warp out my skiffs, then kill the Triglavian belt rats. Then I have to get setup mining again. One time, just after I finished killing the Triglavian belt rats, as soon as I got setup and started mining, the Triglavian belt rats showed up again… right after I had just finished killing them! THIS IS VERY FRUSTRATING! I just can’t get any ore mined because of the Triglavian belt rats.
It takes time to get into position, open the Orca fleet hangar, target rocks, start mining etc. with 3 skiffs. It seems I spend more time doing that than actually mining. It is rare that I can fill up my Orca before the Triglavian belt rats show up. What is the point of having a large ore hold if I cannot get it filled up before having to warp out because of rats?
Also, it is IMPOSSIBLE to mine ore with a hulk anymore because sometimes by the time I notice the Triglavian belt rats, they have already started attacking my hulk. A hulk just isn’t built to take that kind of damage, especially from 5 Triglavian belt rats. I have already lost one hulk to these rats.
If CCP is trying to stop people from AFK mining ore, please note that you cannot really AFK mine with a hulk because the ore hold is too small to allow for that. Besides, you can’t really AFK mine ore in high sec anyway because the rocks pop after a few minutes.
Mining with the Triglavian belt rats is like trying to mine ore in Null without the rewards of the Null ores. At least when mining in Null, the rats usually warp in far enough from you so you have a chance to get your ships out before they start shooting at you.
If I want to do PvE I’ll fight the Triglavian rats in the conduits. I REALLY don’t like them in the belts. I no longer enjoy mining ore because of the Triglavian belt rats.