Triglavian Ganking

Here catch :fish:. It seems it is not possible to have a normal discussion with you. I will just ignore your drivel from now on. Make up stuff as much as you like.


When you call troll someone who does the same thing you do, there is definitely no discussion.

You are an hypocrite. You can’t accept other who do what you keep doing.


Well this turned out to be prophetic, didn’t it.



Just seeb a “Ragnaborg Damavik” on dscan, wtf is that? New?

Pretty sure it’s just a rename of the recon damaviks.

I saw the string change from Recon -> Raznaborg a few days ago in the Singularity diffs.

Ah ok, lolol thought it was another change we had to deal with :slight_smile:

There’s also a new advertisement video for the Vitalshift skins. Lookout, Clear Vision Guy, competition for billboard space is gettin’ fierce.

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Ragabash Trickskaters are the worst

as long as it’zs not ragnarok triglavian in HS !

You wot m8


PvP fits are not really very good for Triglavian content.

I always think it is laudable when new players try to help each other out but sometimes for things like advanced game mechanics and proper fitting advice it is best to let the seasoned veterans offer advice to avoid accidentally providing misinformation to new players.

Seem to be harder to kill than normal damaviks - took about half as long again to kill three, and they scored one of my FN Hammerheads :frowning:

They rep each other, so you have to break through that. Once you start reducing their numbers, they tend to drop fairly quickly.

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I tracked down a lone Trig to a structure and it was orbiting a guy’s Drake that was tethered while he was AFK. I watched it for awhile (in a cloakie) and it was definitely shooting the Drake.
I messaged the guy (no response) so a corpie warped in and popped the rat (the Drake may have been able to tank it, depending on how it was fit and if anything was active but we couldn’t tell).

I’ve also watched them shoot at asteroids and Customs Offices. At first I thought they were scanning them the way those Drifters do, but it’s the same graphics as when they are shooting at ships so I’m guessing that, for whatever reason, they shoot at 'roids and POCOs when there’s nothing else to shoot at.

Well they seem to have vanished again now. Typical, you just figure out how to farm them for reasonable isk (in hisec anyway) and they get taken out of the game… sadface

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Yup, no Recon Damavik on killboards past a little past 17:00 server time. Nothing on D-scan in multiple systems. However I did run on up on a hi-sec system with not one, but two Blood Raider FOB’s.

I was just going to mention that.
We had one on a “leash” last night (SE Asia time) and this morning it was gone. No new spawns either.
Checked 5 systems around us that all had Trig spawns and they are all empty as well.

Odd that they would stop halfway through the “Eve” day.

Try again bucko, the recons do a scanning thing like a seeker. That was the first time I noticed them I was fueling a rait and noticed they were scanning it.

So I undocked and sat in tether and they ignored me like they should a tethered ship.

So if they were shooting a drake he wasn’t tethered, and if they were shooting POCOs the screams would have been heard all over the place by now. Yet no one has posted an aggression notification.


I also think that they just scan. It looks just like a scanner, and not like a gun.