Hey everyone,
have you experienced any triglavian unprovoked ganking at all? I’m assuming form the look of it it’s to do with an AFK time as I’d stepped away for a moment… but the Damivik frigates warping around have ganked an indy ship doing PI and cruiser in a belt from ratting… I’ve not seen anything else about this anywhere?
Wondering if I’m going mad or if anyone else has experienced it!
you are confusing Sleeper drones with triglavians. Triglavian “recon” damaviks roam random systems in gangs of 3-4 and attack players on gates, stations, celestials, belts. They dont have tackle so victims have to be afk or poorly tanked.
I lost a cloaked scanning ship to Triglavians. I was in a safespot with no structures or celestials on grid. So they spawned/warped to me in the middle of nowhere, and decloaked me. I was pooping at the time so didn’t have the pleasure of watching what happened.
Then, being the dumb person I am, went AFK (while tethered) in a Confessor… came back to my pod and Triglavians scanning me. Nice.
I think this is great. I think these Triglavians should spawn all over HiSec and should be stronger when you go lower in system security rating.
In highsec they don’t seem to be using tackle (yet) so it’s easy to get away if you’re alert. This seems to be a counter for what Hilmar called “low-attention gameplay” - appropriate in the chaos era!
yeah the trigs can shut down the tether, ive bee watching the trigs froma citadel when they warped to station, scanned it, thether stopped and i was locked