I think they will.
Take the Jita demands somewhere else, please this thread is about glaring NPC balance issues and one-sided treatment done to Caldari by CCP.
So to repeat:
Caldari NPCs are unable to apply damage to triglavians because underlining problems of main weapon system used (heavy missiles) which is hampered by lack of webs and unoptimal damage done by the NPCs. Light missiles apply but unfortunately CCP never got around coding rapid lights for NPCs.
ECM changes of earlier years make the Ewar of NPC’s useless, unlike with every other race.
Patching EM hole merely caused the NPCs to go from “instantly killed” to “takes few seconds longer” category.
Caldari NPC are not able to force a time-out on system invasion if all things are equal, something all other races can do and has been observed.
Caldari systems are being hit proportionally much more than other races. Even Caldari FW systems are hit proportionally more compared to other factions*
Perhaps in the future, CCP should actually to back to play-testing their stuff again instead of this Quadrant mess where obviously unplaytested crap is thrown to the game and players suffer as a result.
On the other hand, CCP is probably doing this on purpose to empty Caldari space of players and to make Caldari FW unappealing for new players or then they are utterly clueless about their own game. Neither option inspires confidence.
- Minmatar has had two invasions (one EMW, one time-out), Amarr has had zero (?), Gallente has had two (one EMV, one TMV) along with attack on high-sec FW agent system (EMV). Caldari has had four attacks (four TMV) on low-sec systems which cut the warzone in half, two to high-sec FW agents (One EMV, one TMV) and one to staging system/market hub (FL).
Incompetence of CCP is glaring.
you are competent in salt industry
Crap, I just recently came back and Cal is my favorite by far.
What did the CalNavy Pilot see before he was extirpated?
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