Triglavians and Invasions...Stops the Bots, but spoils the game!

I’m NOT the one having problems players like your marked alt will. That’s exactly what I’m trying to say.

Except that fit is sufficient to survive. They start at under 100dps each scout as I remember the maths. Meaning at 16 seconds they’ve done maybe 5 to 7k ehp damage. Still 13k left.


@Paddehatten Ok, so from all of your responses, it looks like you are dead set in playing the victim here.

Everyone else is able to manage this completely fine and have been telling you how to deal with the Triglavians. But you’re just (trying to) snapping back at people, saying everything and anything you can to avoid accepting your own fault.

I’m done wasting my time with you. We’ve tried to help, but you still want to try play the victim. You keep saying “try it out”.

And we’re all saying we do, and have zero problems. But you’re not accepting this.
So congrats, you can deal with this problem that you’re refusing to accept the answer to. Everyone else IS ALREADY managing this without a problem.

When you’re ready to put aside your attitude, we’re here to help.

For the 3. Time GO TRY IT

I was doing the Skilling Spree the other day on a 5.1m SP alt in a barely fit Tristan.

I didnt really pay any attention and left thhem in a belt to await a single rat.

Trigs showed up and got the drop before I looked again.

Still warped out with 30% armour.

Try again.

No I’m done.
I just try to look out for newer players that’s all.

Maybe consider we all have done it with cheap ships at some point and actually know what we are saying.
Have I used that exact fit, no.
Have I used low tank ships around trig scouts yes.
Have I flown an unranked corvette straight through invasions to prove it’s possible and they aren’t unduly fast locking. Yes. Also it lived just fine. In 10 trips through the dead centre of invasions it took damage once and still lived.

It’s not lack of tank or lack of character skills that kills people with Trigs. It’s lack of player knowledge and that is learnt via the burnt hand or mentors.

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My friend is a noob, if you don’t know what ‘new player’ means: it is someone who is interested in the game. Now he is losing it fast.

In high-sec? Come on.

That’s a very interesting definition of a new player.

His four dead Ventures clearly show that he is not willing to learn, though.

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Stop trying to speak for other people if you don’t actually know what you’re talking about then?

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Stop trolling people that actually care?


Aww, but I even fitted a medium shield extender instead of large, so you could not say there is not enough power for it without any skills!

The fact you think this is trolling…
This is not trolling. This is vets with suitable experience saying that the problem is manageable with the right fits and player skills even for a newbie.


No this not trolling this is a discussion between old bitter vets who knows what they are doing/saying.
Well mostly HAHA :laughing:

The idea that you need to be a vet to fit a 6000+ ehp tank and watch your scanner scopes is… scary.


The second point plus overview are enough. But new players cannot tank ships nor ask for help with tanking, I guess.

Trigs are slow to attack so anyone who knows what they are doing can manage this problem.
New players don’t know and it makes many of them quit.

I would like that to change that’s all.
Sorry if I stepped on anyone’s toes by this.
I am only trying to look out them newbees.

Thanks for all your answers :+1: