Triglavians and Invasions...Stops the Bots, but spoils the game!

A Venture is more than agile enough to escape Triglavians.
If your friend has gotten killed 4 times, that’s his fault for not paying attention.

Blame your friend for being a bad player.


Venture can escape before Triglavians even lock it. Your friend does something wrong.


Not enough tank on an Epithal, but enough time to warp out, lucky that Trigs are slow to attack or else they would probably BOOM it very fast.

If your friend wasn’t getting blown up by Trigs, he would be getting blown up by gankers. What’s the difference?

Well clearly you aren’t perma tanking them. I was saying you have enough tank to warp under fire. They aren’t doing 10k damage volleys to insti pop you, they have to ramp their damage up over time. So their starting damage isn’t that bad. A tanked venture can make it to warp from stationary when they start firing.

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A venture is very fast getting in to warp, indo ships are not

And have more tank, especially an epithal since it doesn’t use cargo expander so you can either massively speed up it’s align times or massively bulkhead it out. So… I can’t see how you are in serious danger providing you aren’t sitting there not noticing them shooting you for some reason.

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Go try it out :sunglasses:

Just use a Bustard for PI. Problem solved.

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Yes but that not something newbees can do it takes a long time to train.

I do use a Bustard so I could probably tank them forever or just go kill them before I do my PI it’s not really a problem for me, but clearly is a BIG problem for others especially newer players and low SP alts.

I do PI on my account and I spend maybe 5 seconds at the Customs Office and no more.
What are you doing sitting there for so long that you come under risk of getting shot by Triglavians?

You shouldn’t need to be on grid for much longer than the time it takes for you to land, transport commodities, and then warp out.


Tanked Epithal has more EHP than untanked Retriever, and aligns to warp faster. Retriever can escape Triglavians without going into armor. The only way you can lose Epithal is if Triglavians are already on grid, which you can check before warping.

Most of the times they are on grid when I get to a customs office. Like I said GO TRY IT.

[Epithal, *Simulated Epithal Fitting]
Damage Control II
‘Halcyon’ Core Equalizer I
‘Halcyon’ Core Equalizer I
‘Halcyon’ Core Equalizer I

Large Shield Extender II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
EM Ward Field II
Thermal Dissipation Field II

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Can you provide the fit that you are using? Because this seems like a problem with your fit.

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Then you are doing something wrong. There is only one group of roaming Triglavians in normal system, if I understand correctly. The chances they will roam exactly this customs office when you decide to pick up cargo are small.

Almost 16 sec align time on that fit.

Scoots. If it’s an anti trig fit you don’t need warp stabs either. So bulkhead or istabs or something.

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And how much overheated ehp? They aren’t doing 1000 dps.


Yeah, because this is on my unskilled market alt.

But now you’re just grasping at other things to blame instead of taking responsibility for yourself.


Yeah, that’s what happens if all skills are 0. They are not, normally.