Triglavians invation discussion - Against them or with them?

Hi everybody!

I am Tryme Trymsson and i wanted to create a discussion regarding the Triglavians invation of known space. I know many of us are eager of new content and wish to try out what ccp delivers to us. But i can’t stop thinking about that messiage we have gotten from the Triglavians… They wanted us to join them in their fight and not go against them… Many have done so… Gone against them, mostly because they wanted to try out the new content that was provided to us and we wanted to see what this new orginized theat would bring and what rewards we would get if we were to go up against them.

So what do we know? What do we get if we go up against them and what do we preserve in the known space if we all do?

List of known facts*
But then again what do we know what we will get if we do not go against them? From what i know we will have a power shift in known space if they succeed in their invation. But regarding rewards…? I don’t know… We might get good standings towards them if we dont? Might give us new tec? Hire us for their wars against their threats in the abyssal space?

There is so mutch unknown things about these questions therefore wanted to bring about this discussion.

What is our stance as capsuleers against the Triglavians? Are we against them or shall we try and unite with them?
What do we know (about them/ about the invation (& it’s rewards))? Write facts here on this post. Speculations are okay as well but try to keep it to a minimum.

FACTS! FACTS! FACTS! Invite everyone to this discussion! Let’s deside our stance as a hole group as capsuleers and enforce it! I will make a pull thread later.

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