Trigs are Back?

Thats fine, but trigs aren’t limited to Pochven, they will spawn in any highsec system with an active Pochven WH connection, which means a lot of caldari space is open for surprise visits

I mean, why does everything have to help newbros?

Its good for them to learn early on that they can die at a moments notice even in high sec, stops them falling in to that incorrect mindset where they think high sec is “safe”

There is the difference between a fatal experience from which they can genuinely learn, and a fatal experience from which they cannot learn. “Learning that they can die at a moment’s notice” does not teach them anything other than that there are probably other games out there into which they can invest time and money. Quite different from learning how to venture into a wormhole, say, or low sec, at an acceptable and judged level of risk.

And new players matter, because without them Eve will die sooner rather than later. Which, if you want to play Eve, is something to be avoided.

HS is not safe. But there are some risks which one can learn quickly to mitigate / avoid - eg ganking, or trying to take out a Serpentis Den in a Velator with a civilian tech fit - or that do not trouble new players much at first - eg ganking again. Then there are random events that teach nothing, like Trig gate camps from a wormhole system.


And when people die to them they make posts about them asking about them, which is them trying to learn, seems to me its having the exact effect required

And yet i still see people who should be long past the tutorial point trying to argue that high sec should be safe or that they seemed to think it was safe, this invasion event reminded a lot of people that EVE isn’t safe, seems to me like this lesson was years overdue and its nice to see things go back to random ship explosions

Honestly, i would rather watch it slowly die with the population being people who were smart enough to adapt and not need to have their hand held for 3 years than watch it die a much slower and more painful death becoming WoW in space

HS is not safe, and I have never argued it should be safe. What I am questioning is the precise ways in which risk now manifests itself there and whether wormhole Trigs are a constructive destructive element, or a destructive destructive element from the perspective of the game’s health.

Anyway, I fundamentally disagree with your outlook, but we will have to agree to disagree. Take care.


I think they would welcome you with open arms in CCP, as a dev.


It’s a two way street.

For every hole opening in Highsec to T-Space you get Triglavian roaming fleets in that Highsec system, but on the T-Space side you get Roaming Edencom Roaming fleets. Both act the same, flying between stations and planets.

These Roaming fleets only last 16-18hours, or till hole is rolled.

In this case it’s on-topic - though not as clear as I would like - but I wanted to link it with the tax rebellion phrase.

Words have multiple meanings dependent upon context. In this case, I’m using “representation” to mean “I had no say in the matter” and/or “the actions I took which according to EVE are supposed to have ‘consequences’ had no bearing on the final result”. Thus I had no representation in the matter of how the Trig content has panned out.

In fact I would contend that players did not have representation in the matter at all, unless you believe it’s a “coincidence” that Caldari systems were the most affected, or that systems that just happen to be in range of Jita and Perimeter are spawning wormholes that send roaming Trig NPCs to blow up player assets.

(It’s not my intent to debate how appropriate the word choice was here, since it was used to evoke the original phrase and not to be the most accurate word choice. However anyone who wants a broader definition of ‘representation’ can check Representation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster .)


Removed a couple of recent off-topic/inappropriate posts rather than closing a reasonable discussion…please keep it civil.

1.Specifically restricted conduct.

The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.

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New Player Bashing

Thank you for the post and the explanation! Now I have to read the old ones … :smiley:

It definitely wasn’t a coincidence Caldari space got affected the most.
CCP definitely wanted this to happen, because they know all about weapons, damage, etc. etc.

It makes sense too! Jita is in caldari space and - unless that changed? - it’s a good PvE race!

We shouldn’t forget that marketing and reality usually aren’t agreeing with each other.

Or until they’re exterminated. :smiley:

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Yes, they have stopped trying to take entire systems from the empires. They have their footholds in their own systems now.

However, just like any other faction, they do travel around, and will hit their enemies when they spot them. For example, the sansha have their own systems, but do show up in amarr space, where they shoot people in belts/anoms. The mechanics of the trigs travellings are a bit different, and since they use wormholes, they may show up anywhere, but the basic idea is the same.

For a more detailed explanation on how the wormholes work, where the trigs can attack in high sec, and how screwed Caldari space is, see .

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Another glorious evening of fantastic content. Perimeter was ablaze with PvP and PvE for several hours.

Carebears on Autopilot in expensive haulers were wiped out and cried in Local about having had ‘no warning’ (lol) - because apparently when you are hostile aliens launching a surprise attack from a nearby wormhole, you have to send a memo to all of the hauler pilots in New Eden first. Telegraphed danger - because ‘safe space’. Do people playing EVE (EVE of all games!) really feel this entitled to safety - how did that happen?

Wrecks piled up, suspects looted, suspect hunters shot them. Eventually a few brave men began to fight back (looking at you Drake / Tornado / Naga pilots) until eventually the Trigs were eliminated (until they came back again 10 minutes later).

It was exciting, explosive and entertaining.

Why would we not want that? Isn’t this what EVE is all about?

Only the AFK Autopilot people were upset - why do we want a game where people can AFK Autopilot in complete safety? Do we want to cater to that sense of being entitled to a safe space?

I don’t. Do you?

Apologies to the Orca that went Suspect trying to loot all the wrecks who got dunked by us. Your choice. Or is that not fair in High Sec too because ‘safe space’?

At the end of the day, the intelligent players at their keyboards with their eyes open didn’t die (it was very easy NOT to fly into the 25 bright red spaceships) while the stupid AFK ones died.

Good :yum:


So CCP changed things such that having no standings at all still gets you attacked by trigs?

Been like that since the start with trigs.

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I was looking into the forum the first time to check on info about all the npc killing people in Perimeter.

@Miranda_Farron you think all people who are at their keyboard can avoid the trigs? The answer is no. They will easily point and kill you if you are in a slow ship.
I just managed to dock up again after undocking in Perimeter I got damage from an unknown source. As an added insult to players ccp decided to not add trigs to the default overview so you cant even see them unless you change your settings . While some people obviously enjoyed the content I didnt and decided not to undock again and better log off. My omega runs out in two days, so I’ll watch the situation from an alpha view.

I am a bit sad to see my first post being a whining post but I can’t help it


I approached trigs on a gate in an alt about 3 weeks ago or so and they were not red to me, and did not attack until I used an offensive module (web) on one. Even after that, they were still white icons and still did not attack, and the alt has no standings still. Earlier this week, on my Amarr side alt however, which also is neutral standings, they are red to him and have targeted him and attacked when paused at a gate to see what would happen.

Neither of the alts have been into trig space, interacted with trigs or Edencom in k-space, etc.

The AI for both new factions is pretty buggy about standings, but they are intended to behave as follows:
Triglavians aggress anyone who is not positive toward them (no standing, truly neutral 0.0000 standings, and negative standings).
EDENCOM ships aggress anyone with negative standings, and ignore neutral/no standings players unless aggressed by the player.
Both ignore players with minor positive standings, and assist players with significant positive standings, unless aggressed by the player.