Type's of ganking

It is fine, I don’t understand your point, I have no interest in your point, I am certain it is a pointless point you are making, but if you feel good about it then make your point, though I see no point in that, which is an amusing point of view I guess.

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What are we talking about the Akagi for

These antigankers aren’t very bright.

Akagi and three other fleet carriers of the Kido Butai participated in the Battle of Midway in June 1942. After bombarding American forces on the atoll, Akagi and the other carriers were ganked by aircraft from Midway and the carriers Enterprise, Hornet, and Yorktown.

Do keep up sweetie

So what was her point again? By now it should be dull, like a blunt,

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Did I say cans? I said containers. Quit calling people dummies when you get the definition of a word incorrect.

The brick wall smiled to itself, oblivious to all logic and reason.


Calm down miner

Again you didn’t read my reply ,

Why are we talking about her not what is she😳

Why is Dryson so stupid? Serious question.

Got smacked upside the head by CODE.

Yes there is. It’s called blowing the offending party up.

All law is legitimate only because of the backing of the bullet and the sword.

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It was obviously important to them, but whatever it was, it was unimportant to me.

By the way, respect to you, you get more insults from the gankers than I do…

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Interesting fact . I’ve noticed a trend on eve video’s, streams and Reddit to call low sec kills ganks, when did this start and I wonder if it’s a way to dilute or hide ganking in high by someone.

It’s because gankers are cool, and lowseccers look up to us, want to be us, and pretend to be us. Everyone wants to be a ganker, but few have what it takes.

It must be lovely up there on your home made pedestal

Adopt the position @Githany_Red

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In a sense, Githany, it has always been ‘true’. A gank is simply an ambush, and that’s the same wherever it occurs.

The difference in Highsec is that it is a ‘suicide-gank’. I suspect that some people have dropped the ‘suicide’ bit, regarding it as implied.

This is correct. In most other online games the term “ganking” is used to describe non-consensual PVP. However, since all players in EVE consent to PVP the second they undock, the word has lost its true meaning in one form or another.

Since people have a false sense of security in high-sec and dont expect PVP to happen, our form of content has garnered the label of ‘suicide-ganking’. When is reality, its just like any other form of PVP in the sandbox.

Ganking is non-consensual PVP, otherwise if this that you speak of as PVP being consensual as soon as you undock, then there wouldnt be a need for war decs or duels.

Therefore ganking is not consensual PVP. Sitting on a station, such as Jita and attacking players as the player exits the station is not PVP either.

Its lame.

If you cant go into Low or Null to find PVP, but can only stay in High Sec and gank, you are truly not a Capsuleer. What you are is an arcade game player who needs to go back to playing Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo and stop yelling at your Mom to buy you more time to play games.