Uedama anti-gank

Based on his comments on bitcoin, covid, etc, I’m guessing he is being 100% sincere.

Every single person consents to PvP attacks by logging in to EVE. What people smarter than you understand is that “non-consensual” means that PvP does not have a mechanic where both players must specifically consent to a particular PvP fight, PvP can happen at any time in any place as long as at least one player is willing to open fire. This is contrasted with games where PvP is only in the form of duels or arenas where each specific fight must be agreed to by all participants.

So yes, EVE still has non-consensual PvP even if the fact that it does is an appealing feature for many players.


Oh oh miss miss waves hand in the air

But according to several posters, if Im in a transport and gankers try to attack me, its not even PvP.

So Im trying to figure out how its both not PvP AND consentual PvP at the same time.

Or more likely…

Its PvP I havent consented to accepting, but am aware can happen and have prepped for.

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Well, at least that’s still better than someone consenting to the PvP, and then retroactively revoking the consent after it’s over and they regret the experience.


Show me ONE, just ONE time I have shot anything BUT a bot.

I can if he can’t…

Not waiting I’ll do it

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-Extracts from the Pirate Princess-

Mykee Johnson refused to buy a permit from Zopiclone,

Then I sent my best man, Krig, who took Mykee’s Orca, plus 5 Harvester drones, plus 500 million isk, and shot his pod.

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Sure looks like a bot fit with that auto-targeter on there.

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Indeed. Explains why he refused to buy a permit. The bot wasn’t programmed well enough.

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What did I expect , you’ll say anything to made him a bot, that fact that he talks is enough. Maybe farming missions but still playing eve


You’ll say anything to defend botters and make false accusations about gankers targeting legitimate players.


Modern bots have fancy talking functions built in.

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Oh well must be true, so destiny_corrupted could be a bot too

(How do you do the linky name thing)

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@ symbol

@Destiny_Corrupted @Githany_Red

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Could be, however Knights of the New Order are experts at identifying bots and seems they’ve never flagged Destiny for further investigation at any point. So doesn’t appear to be any smoke here.

Safe bet, Destiny is realer than Pinocchio.

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Now I’m starting to doubt my own existence.

I never thought that my existential crisis would be triggered by a C&P post.


“Must”? Why “must”? I never said it “must” be that way. I simply said it “isn`t” that way but could be with a simple pop-up at undock.

And since you didn’t understand that and came up with that “must” from your own failure to understand, you really need to back off on statements like “people smarter than you”.

And lets look at this:

First you say:

Then you say:

Decide. Which is it?

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They’re both the same photo meme time.

Because that’s literally what “consensual PvP” means: a mechanic where all participants in a PvP encounter must agree to that specific encounter. Examples: arena PvP, dueling, etc.

Decide. Which is it?

Like I said, people smarter than you understand that “non-consensual PvP” is about a particular game mechanic, not your absurd attempt to make it about some kind of moral acceptance that PvP might happen.

First, define bot.

Cause it looks to me like your operating definition is “a ship”.

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