Uedama anti-gank

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I don’t deny your experience. Maybe I’ve been fortunate or unfortunate, I don’t know which, pick one :roll_eyes:


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Well, you can also do it for fun. You don’t have a lot of time left. Non-consensual PvP has one foot out the door already. Another two-three years, tops.

I’m finished with EvE should that day finally come :facepalm:

Mitsuko Chan

I’m finished with EvE should that day finally come

Well, there you have it. An admission that non-consensual attacks (ganking) exist combined with an admission that they are central to some people’s enjoyment of this game. Make of that what you will.

This is why I suggested a pop-up that declared undocking is consent to PVP…so that all PVP would be consensual officially by default…while still allowing for the feel of non-consensual PVP so some folks can still get their jollies but victims can be talked down easier.

No one’s ever claimed that non-consensual PvP doesn’t exist, nor did anyone ever claim that it wasn’t one of the game’s main selling features.

Did you forget to take your meds today?

Anyone who ever said “undocking is consent to PVP” denied the existence of non-consensual PVP. I am not saying either of you two did, but it sure represents a schism in the ganking community if you never have or don’t agree.

Seems like you don’t understand what that phrase actually means.

Close but I think you’ve misinterpreted my statement - non consensual attacks is not limited to ganking. Ganking as an activity is just a small element of non-consensual PVP.

Undocking, regardless of a systems security status should come with it an element of risk. To remove the risk altogether would make Eve a mundane and meaningless experience.

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I do not consent to PvP. When I gank a freighter in Uedama I just want to PvE against CONCORD and the bot miner, and RELAX, but when antiganker shoots at me for 0% damage it is very upsetting and even discriminatory. I did not shoot at them, my ship can’t even shoot back, I can’t lock at that range, I can’t do any damage at that range, and I 100% do not consent to antiganker griefing.

Is it unfair?

The risk of non-consensual PvP on me is central to my enjoyment of the game.

Is this a bad thing now?

If you mean YOU are perpetrating the attack, then there is no risk in the sense you are using it. You are choosing the timing.

If you mean you are RECEIVING the attack then its not non-consensual. Rather its a surprise if you welcome it.

If only you were actually only shooting bots, AG would support you. But you aren’t, so the above is just a lie.

Seems like you don’t since you don’t bother to explain.

I do not, or that is what I would have said.

You are unable to see in anything but a black and white manner, so I am not surprised this concept illudes your reasoning.

If you dont see a difference between expecting an unwanted attack, and receiving an unexpected, unwanted attack, and looking for a wanted attack its not really a surprise you get into so many arguments.

Your statement was unclear. That’s not my fault.

When you say its part of your enjoyment of the game it changes everything.

Oh, believe me, I know well how people cannot grasp that it does and yes I do get into a lot of arguments over it, especially with third wave feminists. Of course part of that comes from refusal to admit the enjoyment. But here you do admit the enjoyment so its pretty obvious you are being nonsensical about this.

Nothing ever is, is it. Youre the clearest visioned, most righteous person on the planet, and have never done anything your regret. We should all heed your words and follow your example and the world will be as it was in the Long Long Ago.

I would ask you go be polarising somewhere else, but we both know youd take that as a challenge to stay and tell us more about how we should be living.

Silly us for not being so ready to judge others and blame them.

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Your relentless dodging of the point is noted.

What point? The fact that you disagree that unwanted expected attacks are not me consenting to engage in combat?

Your disagreement is noted, but I dont agree.

What else is there to talk about?

I’m having a hard time distinguishing whether or not he genuinely doesn’t get it, or is merely playing dumb.

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