Uedama anti-gank

LOL. Loyal never ganked me, so I doubt it has the impact you desire.

But please, keep them coming. :heart:

Whereas I, on the other hand, don’t care what you think…because I have serious doubts about whether you do.

Why would I want to…when you and your cohorts are busy ganking regions I never go to. You’re certainly not Princess of any region I frequent regularly. Maybe I should rename my ship ’ The Ungankable Molly Brown ’ so I stand out better.

You could have stopped there. :heart:

I like your style.

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You mean like brainlet?

I want a book cover :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The Soiled Prince.

By: Ann Rice

Aiko is a dude.

Her character is a she , in a game we all play, I’m happy to call her she, in fact I call her many things.

Oh and just to keep on track the X-100 gang run off to Hek as many have the urge to. Sorry @Solstice_Projekt and @Knowledgeminer , hope it’s not messing up Hek to much, as a consolation we have Kusion back .

It wonderful how Anti-ganking is coming together each doing their own area, communicating and plan things together and many more working in the background for one aim . Fighting the queen bee and her friends.

So if your a small group that fights crime, pirates or bandits , remember your not alone . Get in touch.

Ps Solstice and his alt are not ag or crime fighters on the contrary 100% pirate of Hek through and through, just to be clear.

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How do you know she isn’t a girl?

I understand that you are obsessed with this particular issue, and you have repeatedly sent in-game messages expressing your sexualized thoughts about me, but I think @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode and @ISD_Golem will agree that you are starting to engage in what could only be described as sexual harassment. There is a line here, and while I’m not sure you’ve crossed it, you are definitely stepping toward it.

I don’t believe in reporting people for toxic behavior, but I am politely asking you to stop harassing me, as it’s abusive and I don’t have to take it. You can claim that I am triggered, or your campaign is part of a valid metagame offensive, but I think most people would agree this is inappropriate. It says more about you, than it does about me. I know that you are mad at loyalanon, for something he said years ago, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with me. I would state that your actions reflect poorly on the antiganking community, but I know that they don’t condone it - this is about you, and only you.

It’s very common, on the internet, for women to be constantly barraged with incel demands that they either prove their sex or engage in sex. Frankly, it gets a little tiresome. I understand that I have chantilly lace, a pretty face, and a pony tail hanging down. You, however, need to calm down. The details of my real life, whether I am a beautiful Italian princess living on Daddy’s estate in Napolitino, or Jethro JimBob the 800lb unemployed truck-driver from Dead Crow, Nebraska, it’s frankly none of your business - and this is starting to cross the line into IRL stalker behaviour.


while i’m not the biggest fan of aiko (cause i did get ganked by her), what you are doing is wrong… who the f really cares about his/her RL identity. This is a game and unless you know for a shadow of a doubt that aiko is a guy in RL or not, aiko the character is a female, and she does RP her character a lot.

this type of behavior i won’t tolerate from anybody…


In Uedama we applied a little pressure on the X-100 gang when they were switching to the Gnosis tackle and Catalysts rather than the Ruptures which resulted in multiple failed ganks. Shortly afterwards they decamped to Hek, though there could be other reasons for that. Several people had been getting in his way so I was just one among many.

Saturday After DT we ended up with around 60 Catalysts, as that was just a forgone conclusion I logged on other characters and left them to it. On Sunday after DT there was not that many until Kusion showed his face, but I had logged by the time he arrived. Does not look like he did much to be honest.

@Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras it only matters because this person keeps throwing claims of sexual harassment around. If she/he/it stops doing that then I am sure that people will go back to not giving a monkey’s. PS I still don’t give a monkey’s…

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I often wonder what people I play this game with are like , I’ve made some good friends from all over the world with people in real I never would had anything to do with or had anything thing in common with . Of course there are bad stories and we all have to protect ourselves .

I fully understand how Aiko has to protect herself because the way she plays the game , as many of us do .

But let’s enjoy our game and try and leave real out of this and that applies to you too Aiko with people like subcoach.

Yah, there’s no sexual harassment here. Silly me, what was I thinking?



Like every other woman on the internet, I just have to accept a continual litany of hyper-sexualized comments, while other men obsessively question whether I’m even female - and at no point can I politely ask you to stop, right?

This is just textbook victim blaming. I deserve to be treated this way, because I object to it?


no you don’t deserve to be treated that way… not you, not @bluelysian or any other female that has been in the game, or any games…


You are again throwing unwarranted claims of sexual harassment around as a general thing, can you just stop it.

PS I hope you petitioned that character.

I bet Aiko has the world’s biggest collection of offensive emails but not a surprise really and all this why living on the west bank, or off the coast of Somalia where ever it is :wink:

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So, you are saying it’s not sexual harassment to call someone a “■■■■” or a “whore” or a “slut” - is that really a tenable argument Dracvlad? Have you talked to human resources lately? I mean, come on, you can’t possibly be serious here.

Is that really the position of the antiganking community?

My position is that I find it rather lame that people throw unwarranted general claims of sexual harassment around.

As for the specific items you detailed just now which appear to be sexual harassment, they are not what I was talking about at all. I doubt that even in the here and now, whether you can really define something asking if you are really a female player as sexual harassment, for information I have 50% of my characters as female.

I think you added these other things so you can accuse me of belittling this subject and adding weight to your attempt to cry foul, showing yourself to be a disgusting person.

I suggest that you go and petition them like any normal human being if you find it offensive, I have no issue with that, be my guest. I will also add that I wish that those people would not do such things, as it is pretty sad, though I would also not put it past you doing it to yourself for attention and forum warfare reasons.

I have to say though, that your attempt here to paint me as something I am not and taking this out of context is disgusting and unwarranted, you really just doubled down on it all as you are wont to do.

If you want to throw this at the entire AG community, as if we are collectively guilty by association then you are one sad person. And that is an example of unwarranted by the way.

PS It looks like you want to get this thread closed…, sigh…
PPS Edited for clarity on this attempt to paint me as something I am not.