Unable to connect to tranquility servers.eveonline.com on port 26000

unable to connect to tranquility.servers.eveonline.com on port 2600
I have a strange one going here my buddy next to me can connect on his computer I get the error message ??

Hi All,

I still have this exact issueā€¦ not sure what to do about itā€¦ it has been like this for weeks nowā€¦ anyone got any idea what to doā€¦?

Same here. This just started today for me.

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Yup as of now having this problem as well, from USA/Rocky Mountain area if that helps.

Or not mine just came back up. Thanks CCP that was fast :smiley:

Up until just now I was unable to even access eveonline.com

Iā€™ve been emailing ccp, They suggested ā€œYou can try to log in using a VPN or connect with a different provider, if you have one, of course.ā€
But I donā€™t see how that makes sense when I can still access the Test Server with out issueā€¦

Confusing situationā€¦ guess iā€™lll keep watching Youtube for awhile longer.

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Just started working for me right now dude - try now aswell and keep trying over the next few minutes. If Australia can connectā€¦ good olā€™ 'Merica wonā€™t be far behind! =)

south america with issue as well

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ok i reinstalled, reseted router, reseted signal on ISP, enabled port 26000 on router config, TESTED port 26000 with a program, and it has connection trough port 26000. soā€¦ CCP the issue is on YOUR end or with SOMEONE you work with. please fix that .


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