Unable to create T2 thought T1 available

I think I missed something very stupid.
I try to craft a T2 salvager, I have all ressource including T1 salvager.
But Industry refuse to start because of the t1 not found.
I think I’ve try everything but all failed.
Any idea ?
Regards !

skill issue ?

Is everything in the same container/hanger?

Make sure the tabs at the bottom show "current facility’ because you might have it set wrong or and make sure the stuff is all in one location.

In addition, make sure to select the proper Input Material Location (top right corner of the Industry window). It usually is Item hangar, but it’s worth a validation.
(and optionally, select the output location)

Thanks for your answers.
I finally found the issue.
It seems that Industry didn’t consider that I’ve moved the T1 in the same storage as the rest of the items.
I have juste moced all other item in the initial storage of the T1 (including restire T1 at this prevevious locatation) and it works.
Maybe a kind of bug.

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yeah, you should put all the items in the same storage.
That includes intermediate T1 created from mats.

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