Unable to login

East Coast of Canada here and getting the same errors. Sometimes I can manually hit the Connect button after the automatic connection fails, but only to lag, disconnect or have no chat/intel channels. I don’t pay for service that doesn’t deliver. Fix this problem CCP. Man up and admit it is a problem.


Bonsoir (ici la France !)
Je me joins à vous pour ajouter mon grain de sel !
Comme tout le monde des problèmes de connexion : plusieurs messages d’erreur différents après l’identifiant et le mot de passe

  • interface simplifiée apparaissant avec impossibilité de se connecter à Tranquility sur port 26000 (sic)
  • impossibilité de se connecter à Tranquility
    connexion possible avec le “connexion” du bas de cette interface simplifiée
    Après connexion : le channel local dysfonctionne complètement en ne faisant pas apparaître tous les joueurs connectés…
    J’ai quand même fait fait le Combo journalier pour les points de compétence pour tous mes comptes et je me suis déconnecté.
    J’ai vérifié à plusieurs reprises le cache pour les index mais le problème subsiste.
    A CCP : bien fait pour vous ! Il ne fallait pas toucher aux Emerging Conduits ! :stuck_out_tongue:
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2 days and still cant connect…

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2 days can not to connect, too. Russia, omega. sad(

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Fixed for me?
The launcher still reliably fails to connect me to the game …

But now manually hitting the connect button works like a charm and i can log in smoothly!

CCP, whats wrong with your launcher (and your support)?

Thanks for Rolf Smith’s post that made me try this!

It seems manualy hitting the connect button works for me too. Sometimes it needs two or three attempts.

This trick worked for me yesterday, but today I’m completely unable to log in. The game launches, but I either sit at the “Authenticating” screen forever, or I immediately get the “Network communication has been interrupted” message. Midwest USA for what it’s worth. (And I don’t have a VPN :frowning: )

Canadian fella here. 2 Days unable to log in.

Well i think it has been almost a week without being able to log in into EVE. I am from east Europe, so i don`t think the location matters.
I hope we get some nice gifts after they fix this, because after all for what are we paying for?

US-FL - Unable to log-in for last 3-4 days. I see DDoS occured 5 days ago. Sucky :frowning: — I have flushed DNS, Renewed IPv4 and 6, reset router, deleted cache files, and confirmed with my ISP that there are no current reported connectivity issues in my area… so. I guess I will just try again tomorrow or the next day…

I don’t like CCP’s current approach, we are almost unable to play the game normally! :愤怒:-1:

Same issues here. No EVE for six days now… No real help through tickets, have done all the recommended fixes, can’t financially justify a VPN for just playing EVE.

The launcher is showing 29.6k online. I’d sure like to add to that…

I doubt anything will change until monday, most companies don’t work on weekends. That’s probably why there is no communication from CCP on the issue, apart from that one dev post yesterday about clicking a button.

I’m located on the east coast of the US. I haven’t been able to log in at all for days as well. A few days ago I managed to almost get in, but now I can’t even get to the character select screen. This is pretty lame.

TN , USA here. Cannot log in as well.

Canadian , same here , cant connect 99 % of the time but after error sometime i can , but will crash if i undock or try to do anything .

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meme chose … just give chit to my isp provider ,… oups

I can’t login either. It either says network connection error or it sits on authenticating forever. Sometimes it makes it to a loading bulk data message. Then it times out.

Been like this for 2 days. Sad thing is, I just started this game and have already paid for a subscription.

I am on east coast US and only way i can i can play is getting on a VPN and pretending I am logging in from somewhere else. Otherwise laggy and no chat. I guess I will send the VPN bill to CCP so I can play the game I pay for.

Lost 2 ships so far to instability. Undocking sometimes takes an extra 30 seconds on a black screen and when you are on the modules they dont act right or appear offline. I’m done playing until my ships are replaced. This is ridiculous.

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