I like having some spare unallocated skillpoints around, so I can inject it at any time when I need it, rather than inject it directly now into some skill I’m training anyway and find myself in a situation later where I happen to need a specific skill but cannot speed up my training process.
I’m greeted with this popup with corresponding ping sound every time I log in on every one of my characters that has spare SP (which is pretty much every one of them):
When I log in I have e-mail popups, pop-ups for the latest event, pop-ups for other things and click click click through them all, so I figured there must be some settings to turn the useless popups off.
There is! Or so I thought
I ticked off these two boxes on all of my characters.
None of the notification settings impact this tooltip. There is no way to turn it off, and CCP is not willing to change that behavior. It was reported well over a year ago as an issue but CCP refuses to get rid of it because they think it’s necessary to tell that to people with every single login otherwise they’d forget that they have free SP.
This ‘notification’ is blocking most of the Industry tab on every of my characters right after I log in, which is plain annoying when I log my alts with the intention to check upon their industry tab to do PI:
It’s a notification, why doesn’t it respect notification settings?