Uncollateralised Loan for period of 3months,

So, if your friends have the capital but not the liquid, why not just let them put up the capital as collateral?

Probably they are not real friends, just a fellow chaps he did fly with. And its kind of different from doing business with. Like myself, I got a friend and we knew each other for a long time. Then the opportunity popped up to join Provo Bloc and start cap construction project. So I gave him a whole stock of my cap bpcs including ships and components. And you shouldnā€™t guess much what happened after.

In the end if I ever visit :switzerland: where the bugger living i might get to find him and poke him. Plus he promised me a RADOĀ© :stopwatch:

Cobra G. Iā€™m up to uā€¦:male_detective:ļø

I vouch that my pixels are of the elite variety.

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I vouch that the writing style used in all of these ā€œvouchesā€ is eerily similarā€¦ almost as if they were all made by the same personā€¦ Not accusing anyone of anything here but its hard to get so many people to make forum accounts and vouch for you within a single hour. Even if they arenā€™t your alts, thereā€™s many other interesting possibilities.


Well i have to start somewhere.

They also say Start Small too.

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Yes, i suppose all scammers must start somewhere.

Virtual vouches are meaningless.

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