Universal Timebase Measurement Research

I will certainly keep these views in consideration.


Yes. It means go to a 0.4 security status system and spend a few hours collecting bounties on pirates. Lo! All is forgiven.

As for your assertion of CONCORD’s ‘place’… CONCORD’s place is as the sole arbiter of what is and is not legal behavior for capsuleers. As such, yeah, they get to say ‘this is not OK today’ on a whim. Don’t like it? Stop flying.


Sorry, it was more referring to Captian Oveg’s comment. “Give us this and we’ll give you half the price of a low budget breacher” is not generous.


Fair enough, and agreed. I suspect that was meant to be read with a sarcastic sneer to it.

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That it was, What can I say it kinda reeks of extortion. Take our pocket change or well make life difficult.


Things are certainly getting interesting.

The mentioned Discourse episode.


A nominal reward for doing what she’s required to do anyway isn’t extortion, it’s just a gesture. Remember, if they wanted to “make life difficult”, they’d just nuke all her clones and lock her into her current clone… then pod her.

Seriously, why is it only the people who’ve spent extended periods of time in space everyone calls ‘lawless’ who seem to have any respect for CONCORD’s laws? (Aldrith doesn’t count, he serves the Empire, they have ‘OBEY’ branded into their brains.)


Having just conferred with Ms. Edios, I believe we may now confirm where Mr. Drust secured the alternative evidence.

I will remind observers that Ms. Edios had signaled intent to cooperate, and ARC had intended to provide independent autopsy and implant analysis services, as we have in the past. We had received no word that this was inappropriate, and no other instructions. Clearly, Mr. Drust had no interest in negotiating.

Insofar as the matter between Ms. Valate and Mr. Drust are concerned, I would note this: while Ms. Valate had signaled her intent to negotiate terms, Mr. Drust had also been unsubtle in the balance between carrot and stick. That Ms. Valate’s counteroffer was, well, interesting surely didn’t promote a diplomatic exchange. We can’t really venture where the balance should lie, or whether either party was attempting to negotiate in good faith. The censure in the form of a security status change is, as some have observed, essentially a slap on the wrist. Admittedly, it’s a slap on the wrist constituting at least 300m in tags, or several days or weeks of piloting effort, but it’s still easily reversed.

All the same, I would propose that CONCORD officials have become increasingly autocratic, and have perhaps lost sight of the value of a velvet glove around the iron fist.


Oh no! He was mean when said ‘Sure, you can do that thing you’re legally obligated to do. We’ll even give you a shiny nickle when you do!’

What the hell does that have to do with it? She committed a crime. We’ve all done it. Most of us do it, take the hit, and roll on without making a major drama-fest out of it or whining about how unfair actually being expected to live by the rules is.


I think you’re overstating my response.

Fairness doesn’t matter a whit here. I like politeness, and I think CONCORD’s forgotten that it has value, but nothing that’s transpired here is surprising.

Well, except maybe the commandos waylaying a transport and seizing evidence without so much as a, “how do you do?”


What’s the timeline on that, though? Did they take that action before or after Dr. Dippy here decided to reinforce CONCORD’s expectations from the Tukoss incident?

At some point, if the capsuleers keep telling CONCORD ‘screw you, we’re not going to let the actual legally-empowered investigatory agency have the evidence because we wanna play Junior Detective’, CONCORD stops asking and just starts taking the materials.

Shocking, I know.

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Actually, I did not.


The sole power in the cluster with the authority to determine what is and is not a crime among capsuleers says you did. That means you did.

And just an edit to tack on…

Before you go saying they don’t have the power to do that, they just did. So clearly, they can. Whether or not they should, as Miz said, is a whole other matter. But clearly, they can do it.


I could pay them to be on their good graces again. I won’t. I could pay to have my corp allowed to gun down law abiding corporations of miners and industrialists wherever they reside. I don’t. All the while they TAKE MONEY to let others break their laws, they allow others to escape their negative standing by buying back into good graces. I follow the law of what is just, they just don’t like it. Why respect laws that can be circumvented with money? This is just another form of extortion. Unless “You must hand over something for an item of far lesser value or we will brand you a criminal which you can pay us with tags to remove” is something other than extortion.


Vess, honey, the whole shtick of capsuleerdom is to break a ton of laws with tons of money. Well, a lot of laws don’t even apply in the first place.


I’m sure regardless of what happens here, CONCORD will be completely open and transparent about what findings it makes with regards to their investigation here.

And if you believe that, I have a lovely swamp in Rancer I’d love to sell you.


I won’t deny this but that still doesn’t make it right.


I’m pretty sure nobody believes that.


CONCORD is so transparent we can see right through them.