Upcoming Changes to Drone Aggression

No it did not. I just gave you an example of how to AFK rat, but you’re clearly having trouble with reading comprehension. The people who were “low-attention ratting,” as you put it, were not actually AFK.

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You don’t give an example here.

This is off topic, since you’re talking about botting.

No example here either.

Still no example here.

Botting is LITERALLY AFK ratting. What do you think they’re doing while the program is running? Sitting at their keyboard?


But they’re not the same.

Botting is using an automated program to input commands.

AFK krabbing would be something like, launching drones, orbiting a rock in an anomaly, and then going AFK, not inputting commands because the Drones auto-aggress everything.

But again, that’s irrelevant. Because CCP never intended this change to stop botting. They never even use the word “bot” in their post. You’re just making stuff up and putting words into CCP’s mouth.

OK well as long as you’re deliberately missing the point I think this convo is over. Intentionally misunderstanding somebody doesn’t make you look smart, but you would be forgiven since TEST isn’t known for recruiting “readers”.

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I asked you for an example and you talked about something entirely unrelated, something that not even CCP mentioned once.

Removed a duplicate post.

I can see where CCP wants more engagement and I’m fine with that.

One thing I did notice is that when I target one NPC and sick the drones on it, they will take out the ship and then stop the aggression.

It used to be that they would then just go after the next NPC until there were none left. I don’t mind to have to manually start the aggression against NPCs but could you then have them go after any others that are of the same group as well? Do I really need to hand select every single NPC and have it be attacked by the drones?

I’m in the belt, mining. Peace and quiet ensues. I am working on Project Discovery in the mean time. More power me. Oh, stop. Handle the incoming NPCs. Fine. Handle every single NPC manually every time… come on, people. Don’t be that way.


See the mistake. You should actively enjoy mining.

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Im with you. I cant find other way to play 100% AFK than botting.

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the Change would be good if the Drones wouldn’t stand still betwenn the Targets, so like it is the Drones will be destroyed by the npc. They need flight time to get to the next locked target other wapeons not, they could be desrtroyed, other weapons not. I took Money to Skill up Drones become Omega User to have a good Game expirience. and feel frauded now. You take the Money let me use the Skillpoints i bought and then changed the rules and my Weapons are less playable.
That means for me as Human fakor Player. The Botters change their Bots and real Players loose.
So is real playing Eve lees attractive, and Botting becomes more attractive.
It would be nice if the Drones would be “aktive” inactive by flying around and “dodge” before they get the next Command. Humans are slower than Bots and the timei need to to press F while i cklick to lock the next targets ist the Time my weapons will be damaged. I yes, i first tried out.


It has, if I will send one drone to return then I must wait until I press F to attack the next target otherwise the previous command to return will be overwritten by the attack on the next target.

During the fight, you must also control a lot of other stuff. I really miss the feature of the auto-attack. it basically sorts of cripple all the ships what use medium or large drone


Just the note for the controling done by drone separatly one by one: I try it once and i didnt enjoy it.

some comand what wont overload the return order will be helpful. some command what will just effect the idle drone or attacking drones.

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No. What’s the point fo the change otherwise?


Get in a Procurer, Skiff, or Orca, and you’ll never have to worry about belt rates again.

You can even switch to mining drones and increase your mining yield!!! Amazing, no?

Add my irritation for this. I prefer PVE drone carriers simply because of target management. Drones and auto-target missiles acquired their own target lock and that is one less thing I have to manage.

With this changing, I am now having to micro-manage drones in addition to all the other systems. I do not enjoy micro-management; it is not fun game play.

I do not PVP because I find that not worth the effort (it is boring).


If we have to activate drones manually now, at least make it so that they will go to next target automatically after initial activation. It’s tedious to manually make them go to each target. I do L4 missions, and I didn’t have to spend so much effort on drones management before. I used to just shoot at battleships while my drones go after frigates. I didn’t have to spend time locking on individual frigates to kill them. Not to mention lost dps when drones just flying back and forth between their targets and my own ship.


Could you bring back the blackout ?, there wont be any afk ishtars in space , at least give us a chance to some content while hunting the little that’s left in space, I also bet the number of docked ships in eve have reached an all time high with the drone changes…

Hey do you know what the stupidest thing to do to combat AFK ratters is?

Making setting drones to aggressive a niche move.

Reading the latest set in the threadnaught makes me think of the one player type few of you have mentioned. The new player.

Now on the one hand they will not know any better of how things once were but on the other . . . venture mining. Remember mining in a venture? An alphas player cannot fly your beefy Procs and orcas. The only decent ship for mining is a venture with a piddly little pair of light drones.

Now that person has no choice, belt rats show up and they damn well better be attentive or their drone will sit, idly by, and watch the venture burn.

Yes, to a certain extent this is a ‘think of the children’ post.

So think in the other direction . . . afk ratters are gone, passive running of the anoms in null stops happening (unless you count the bots). Which direction do you expect the cost of plex to go? Will inflation continue at the same rate? In other words what are the broad reaching economics of this change as opposed to the direct effect on individual players.



why not add a “gun” button for drones on the hud so you don’t have to right click all the time.

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