Upcoming DBS floor to be changed to 100%

Thats true AND I benefit from other people doing it so yeah its not all bad.

In purely economical sense it does not however allowing an account to plex itself basically almost passively and have a surplus income with everything you do being on top of that is massively OP

Turning it from farmland to isk isnt an airtight process though. You still gotta sell it or use it.

Things start making more sense when you imagine at CCP Games there being a high level corporate goal of “reduce the sheer number of ‘im gonna quit’ playerbase complaints”.

A bunch of nullseccers complain and threatening to quit? Give them what they want.

A bunch of Orca pilots filing for gank reimbursement or threatening to quit? Give them free Orcas.

It will be hard to tell it from the REEEEing of the F1-monkey PvPers with 0 damage on most of their killmails who’re REEEEing because they won’t be able to braindead-press-F1 for their dopamine fix while the FC jockeys them around.

I’d tell those F1-monkeys to “grow up, adapt, and overcome” but I’m pretty sure it’ll fall on deaf ears.

It is year 2022 today, not 2003, adapt to the market or die, and yes people want an easier and easier game, people play games to have fun, not for another job after work

Have you tried playing Farmville? My mom likes it.


Mama Danuja food is the best :spaghetti:

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CSM is loaded with Null Security Giants? Null Security gets another buff! I work random days off. I simply am a poor candidate for null. I pay for my ENJOYMENT not a GROUPS!!! As High gets more and more nerfed I continue to question why I play? Damn? I was just starting to enjoy the game again!

If the only thing you do is absyssals, you should go to Null then.

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Good idea. That means we can get rid of Arena PVP and Abyssal PVE and Poochven because that fosters braindead masses that need artificial clutches and restrictions to get their dopamine fix without the potential of unwanted, unexpected interference from the other players.

All three aspects have damaged EVE far, far more than 100 Bounty Pay in Null sec will ever do because there is a key difference between those three and null sec: Null Sec is not safe from unexpected, unwanted interference. Someone can just come along, warp to you and ruin your day in a number of ways. That’s all but impossible in Poochven, APVE and APVP.

This means: more bounty payout means more people in space that other people can engage with at any point in time.


Im guessing youve never been there.

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PI ain’t as passive as one might claim. In fact, it can be a fiddly, mouse-button destroying PIA. And it requires a bit of a meticulous planner to max out.

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People only say PI is passive because it requires a lot of passively waiting. Someone should time how much active time is needed to set it all up, reset and place extractors and haul the stuff. I would guess it isn’t nearly as passive as people make it sound.

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It isn’t. And the person talking about “printing 3 bill per month, passively” hasn’t got a clue. That’s kind of like calling active station trading “passive” income, because hey, you didn’t even undock for it, right? (Station trading is actually more passive than PI is, these days.)

Azalais is also wrong (as are many other players and CCP, apparently) about what’s ‘bad’ for the economy and player activity. Having players run 18 planets with full-on production, hauling and selling schedules in order to make a few billion a month outside of high-sec doesn’t harm the game or the economy at all.

Having tens of thousands of players who can’t find a good reason to log in anymore… now that’s harmful.


Running level 4 missions is pretty much passive income.

15 planets, 3 accts with 8 toons doing pi in a wh. Always have an extra scout toon log in 1st if you have to move anything. 15/20 min a day to reset everything with a 24 hr cycle time. Every 3 days, you have to make a hauling run to 6 planets each with the 8 toons. After collecting that, you have to make a hauling run to the factory planet twice a wk. Once a wk runs to Jita all using “travel fit” epithals! :rofl:

2.5 bil a mo yes ago dropping to 1.5 2 yrs ago. A lot of fun doing other things in there though! :sunglasses:

That was just the daily minimum.

I have an even better way to make ISK.

Every month, I put in exactly one hour of overtime at my work. Then I take that money and buy one of these bad boys…


…which translates into over 7 billion ISK.

I don’t have to spend “15/20 min a day to reset everything” (which is like what, 6 hours a month?), plus the additional time to haul all the stuff everywhere, which is a bunch of additional extra hours. No need to baby-sit multiple factory jobs or market orders. Just set up one market order per month, and I’m good to go.

The only reason I did it was it was a step outta my comfort zone. I honestly thought I would only last 2 wks. I made it 2 yrs! :rofl: And made it out on my own terms as well.

You should step of your shell every now and then.

PS; I subbed all my accts by the yr.

Edit; It was a fun challenge to set up. Took a while to get it right. More time to creatively acquire a wh. Custom bm’s for every toon. A lot involved if you don’t want to lose ships. And frankly, I did more things than that.