Upcoming DBS floor to be changed to 100%

Whines about no targets to kill
Whines about measures to increase number of targets in space to kill

Tl;DR more mad please

Congratulations, you are exactly the player CCP wants. Stupid.

Paying anything for a game that is in terminal decline, please can I have some of those smarts.

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Or, you know, I just don’t care about the money. It’s either I spend it on this, or more anime resin figurines for which I don’t even have any more room on my shelves.

I don’t care that EVE is “in decline,” and I have no qualms or moral reservations about giving money to a game that has entertained me since I was a teenager. Unless the developers do something that catastrophically compromises the game’s original vision (e.g. we get the new Chinese server’s “no-PvP” ruleset), I will continue playing it, and paying for it.

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Logic dies in the presence of the grindbear…


I wish I got paid ÂŁ70 an hour when Im not drawing porn

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That would definitely be useful for when I warp to and suddenly feel the irresistible urge right there and then to take a puff and have a sip of my coffee. Not counting the energy saved on my mouse battery and the break on my index finger.
I also wished for an automated Project Discovery button that would draw all the shapes while I read my mail but I realize that may be pushing things too far.

What if i told you could have BOTH $65 and 7 bil isk?

Why, I’d probably be willing to pay 100 billion for that sort of information!

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Again it will wreck active players and bots will automate a solution as always

No to this entire post. This is a VERY good change.

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Turns out it actually does lead to more explosions.

What do you mean, ‘turns out’?

As far as I know, CCP did not increase income for everyone and neither did they release stats about explosions increasing so I don’t know where you got the new information you’re talking about.

Again, if everyone earns 2 million ISK for every activity that currently gives them 1 million ISK, ship prices will simply double with it and there won’t be more explosions.


In other words everything you stated was objectively false and would not occur. Nothing you said is based on actual economic analysis or examination of ship destruction. If it was we wouldn’t be in the state we are currently. It’s just numbers pulled from the air.

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I was simply saying that if every ISK was replaced by 2 ISK, nothing would change to the way the game is played except that everything is traded for twice as much ISK (apart from some hardcoded ISK values). This does not increase the amount of ships people can buy nor does it increase the amount of ships that explode.

‘Not based on economic analysis’? Ever heard of inflation?

It is simple stupids.

IF (Activity1)=PlayerAim then Morechanceofhappening

IF Ratting=Rewarding then Moreratting

Moreratting = Moretargetsinspace

The rest is up to you, if you cannot score hits in a target rich environment because horror they organise!!! Then perhaps you need to find places where they are not as organised.

INB4 But botters whine

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Just keep in mind that ‘rewarding’ is relative though, relative to the rest of the game. A nerf to abyssals would also have pushed more people into ratting, just like abyssals being so rewarding as they are took away people from ratting and reduced the amount of targets in space.

Downside of the DBS floor below 100% and a nerf to abyssals is that they both feel like sticks, rather than carrots, and that at the moment EVE players are looking for carrots to continue playing after a long time of sticks during scarcity. So I’m glad that CCP, instead of nerfing abyssals, decided to buff ratting.

I’m just curious about OP’s motivation to write an angry post. What is it to him if the DBS gets normalized back to 100% where it has been for two decades ?

As to his other proposed changes: you have to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. The Blackout was a dramatic and very sudden drop in PCU - and no, far from all of it was due to bots. The current episode only demonstrates the frog in boiling water phenomenon: if the change occurs gradually (PCU drop) then ccp is slow to respond (give back some of the carrots they replaced by sticks).

Does OP think that the changes to industry will be undone by raising the DBS floor ? Will that make faction ships reasonable in price again, and faction blueprints worth anything ? That hammer on the economy has not been removed as far as I can tell. Perhaps you can.

That first question warrants an honest answer, for my (and a few other readers’) understanding, if OP can be troubled to help the nearly brain-dead understand. I sincerely hope that OP’s answer, if any is due, will be more than the usual grrr nullsec, grrr goons, grrrr frt, grrr blocs, grrrr csm, grrr brisc…

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The other thing that is being missed, higher BRM, higher ratting incentive, higher ESS payouts to protect.

Big brain thinking

Isnt the answer as obvious as “it only benefits one class of people”?

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So changes that affect only one class of people (sic) are due an angry response ? And that is legit ? What if “somebody” running a business analyzed the data and drew the conclusion that something needed to be done right away in a particular area of the game ?

Apart from lowering the price of a sub I don’t see any changes to the game possible that wouldn’t favor one “class” or another. Do you ?