Upcoming DBS floor to be changed to 100%

it fell short :slight_smile:

So you’re unwilling to answer then. Thanks for answering, by not answering.

It’s not easy to railroad me, true :stuck_out_tongue: You talk about some weapons that are out of whack. I was discussing a subject where investments of sometimes years are at stake. See the difference ? No ? Fine.

Why not just answer the questions? It’s so easy.

Your analogy doesn’t’ make sense in relation to the discussion matter (make a play style as good as obsolete). Moreover, here we look at weapons in relation to weapon platforms, and in relation to developing fleet combat tactics (or solo, whatever). You can’t oversimplify by analogy something that has several layers adding to complexity, let alone to the ability to continue to engage in historic activities.

Once upon a time it was all about eagles. More recently it became all about muninns. They get a rebalance pass to improve diversity (also requested by nullsec, btw), to get rid of staleness and the predominant and unchanging position they take in doctrines. It shakes up the sand a bit. That’s good. And we will adjust and adapt, do some new theory crafting. HACs will still be used. They haven’t become obsolete, and the changes don’t affect any play style. That’s the answer proper to EvE, fairly obvious to anyone who has been around for a while.

Sooner or later an optimal “solution” for a doctrine will be found again. It will be turning the wheels for a time, until we grow tired of it and politely ask the devs: “please nerf this and have it replaced by some new challenge”.

You’re, again, frantically avoiding the issue and by doing so answered everything we needed to know.

What was the question?

Nope, I only see an unwillingness to discuss the subject matter, let alone accept that people will not continue to invest in a game that wrecked their investment.

I think I figured out where you went wrong.

But the people who use those other 4 weapons also invested in the game, not really any different.

Do you feel that the ones investing in an obviously overpowered weapon are entitled to more than the ones who didn’t?

Would you say it’s wrong of people refusing to re-sub their old accounts after they were given a headshot by losing all their stuff in an abandoned player structure ? That’s the same level of lack of sense of reality from ccp right there, compounded by the fact that “it would never happen, your stuff in eve is safe while you’re unsubbed”. The investment is real, just like the losses in our beloved game.

It is 100% clear to me that “investing” in Eve is foolish. I don’t know how many more years this game has, but the current leadership team is so horrible that even if the game survives, there will be nothing left of the beloved part of the game.

You still don’t get it, do you. We’re not discussing a weapon or a ship. What is under pressure is a play style, what people can do in a game, what they’ve done for 17+ years ever since caps were introduced.

I understand the sentiment, even share some of it. For most of us long-term players EvE stopped being a game a long time ago, it became a hobby. Is investing in a hobby or game “foolish” ? Perhaps you are right. Perhaps everything that is not related to food on the table irl is foolish (as was advocated by austerity addicts in the past). Perhaps not. Circus and games keeps the plebs happy, as the roman emperors knew.

I do get it, you’re just trying your very best to “not understand” the analogy, for very obvious reasons ofcourse.

There is no difference: some people invested time effort and money in one thing, others invested in another. SOME people invested into something that was clearly overpowered and silly compared to all other options, they chose it because it was overpowered and if something is overpowered in a game, especially in a player driven game like EVE, then at some point (soon™) it will get nerfed. You can get mad about that but, truly, that’s just terrible.

Why should someone in null with pretty much zero safety effort of his own be able to grind bazillions compared to other play styles? And why are you surprised that this attracts people who are solely interested in the isk who will (when soon™ finally happens) leave for other pastures, be it abyssals or pochven?

And why should we feel sorry for the ones who chased that unbalanced overpowerdness? Why should we feel sorry for the groups that benefited from it and built their space empires on it?

ONE “weapon” (the weapon part is the analogy, if you hadn’t noticed) is overpowered, now it got nerfed. And you’re saying that we should make it overpowered again.

very :thinking:

it took them how many years to come to the “clearly” ? and the solution was to throw the players out with the “overpowered” stuff ? because that is what happens when you take the toys away.

With the rest you wrote I am forced to the conclusion you resent the fact that something like nullsec, w-space and pochven exist altogether, where risk and reward scale up.

Lol, come off it. Do you think standing fleets or rapid response fleets help subcap solo players who are getting ganked ? Dream on.

answer in bold

Doesn’t matter. It was obvious, that’s why people went for it and now they’re mad and unwilling to go back to a more normal situation.

Yeah no, this is just you avoiding the points again.

Those, nah. But the grinding “more = better” cap ones yes, which is the point, if you hadn’t noticed. Also, subcaps are easily replaced due to high income.

We all invested, for years. You’re not special.

All of us invested years of time and effort in this game. I have spent a thousand dollars just paying the $110 annual subscription fee. It was worth it while it was fun and engaging. Now that this game is a dead corpse moving forward on inertia alone, the term “invest” is foolish.

I was guilty of this. For example, I bought a bunch of BPOs that I figured I might use someday. Never did. I trained skills that I have never used. Time is running out now. Oops.

This is why highsec ganking is all that is left - because it doesn’t require investment and it doesn’t suggest that overspending now will someday provide compensating rewards. Whatever you two are arguing about, it probably comes down to your problems in null being a reflection of the overall problems in the game. Null didn’t get saved when CCP decided to kill their game.

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Yeah but you see since you’re not part of null you’re not the chosen ones and your experience, investments and requests for balanced play styles don’t matter.

But neither are you. If, Bob forbid, ccp makes changes to the game that make you lose interest or ragequit, and you leave the game, I will at least understand your reaction, even if you don’t, lol. Indeed, it’s the human factor that is involved, not simple game mechanics and designs… Get it ?

It’s your choice to not play in nullsec (I have no idea, I have to assume you post on a forum alt, your zkill is completely blank). It’s mine to play there in the way I want. Who are you to judge any play style ? Or call someone dumb and a liar ? Are you being judged for not sharing that play style, or for chosing not be in that part of the map ? Ridiculous. We’re done.