It’s hard to pick out direct statements from CCP to one specific result here. There were a lot of comments and devblogs back then pointing out things like “overabundance of resources”, “massive stockpiles” and “loss not being meaningful”.
CCP made it fairly clear in their main devblog on the issue that they believed player income had to be cut back to about half what it was, that resources had to be chopped into different sectors so individuals and smaller groups couldn’t be self-sufficient, and that resources/production had to be dialed back to cut down on stockpiles.
As usual, CCP (and tbh, a good many players) misunderstood their own game and their own ecosystem. As well as player motivation in MMOs in general.
They believed penalties to trading, to income, to resource production and manufacturing - which in effect halved the ‘value’ of player time - would force players to play more and longer. And for some reason they envisioned players would fight each other more, even though everything would be more expensive, take longer to replace, and require more effort and material to produce.
If a central tenet of EVE is “don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose”, then “let’s make everything take longer, be more expensive, and harder to replace” is a sure-fire method for nuking your own game. CCP was told this both in advance and as changes were introduced.
The completely obvious point that CCP was clueless about was not that you reduce wealth and stockpiles by slapping clamps all over the economy. You do it by giving people more reasons to fight and to expend their resources.
This is the prime area that CCP has been blind about, or incapable of imagining, for roughly a decade now. EVE’s game mechanics are basically designed to promote stability, security and a steady resource/production stream. Whereas CCP and some players seem to think these designs will result in wild-west shoot-em-ups, brush wars, and regional conflicts.
Scarcity doesn’t breed conflict… at least, not the kind CCP comes up with. Wars are generally fought over resource control, or to eliminate imminent/perceived threats.
All CCP’s efforts have accomplished is to reduce activity in virtually every area of the game, send players off to other games, and reduce their own income.
That’s what’s leading to the recent desperate efforts to reverse these trends… not exclusive clubs whining for their toys back.