I said I would do this sort of thing and so I do.
Loved that intro, this is the first of your CSM update vids I have seen, so I don’t know if they always start like that or not, but I liked the intro
Really nice video
I’m looking forward to the next one
Hey great video thanks! I would love it if some of the other CSM members also posted similar vids.
Hey - as a suggestion why not make this kind of perspective video a mandatory responsibility of each CSM member, maybe two or three each meeting and then rotate it around.
This is one of the BEST ways of helping player-base understand what you do and what kinds of issues CSM deals with.
Less ppl would wanna be csm if they were forced or required to do that.
I imagine that there would be plenty of people willing to take it up
Each of us has their own way of “csm’ing”. I like to be communicative (within the constraintys of the NDA. It would be pretty bad if you tried to force others to do what I do, they have their strengths and I have mine.
There was a time when the CSM had a specific person assigned to communicate to the players. I am not that . . . I just like to keep you in touch and let you know that we are still here as part of what I said I would do in the election campaigns. (yes I know, a politician who keeps his word . . . madness)
Now don’t go expecting one every week, as I said in the vid.
But I will try to keep up, as RL allows and needs arise.
Weekly?? Psh, i wanna see that smexy face every day
Thanks Mike - I appreciate the hard work. Wish some of your colleagues put in the same effort
Oh they do. Just more in the line of work facing CCP and not the players. The channels are always busy and a challenge to keep up with.
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