How fitting it is that you invoke the name of the arch-traitor Utulf.
The pattern of Ammatar treachery is revealed in full once more: first, long deception with heresy and agitation in secrecy; second, open arrogance and self-righteousness in an attempt to undermine the proper order of Holy Amarr; third, rebellion and violence against the faithful; and finally, the inevitable call on others to enter into rebellion.
Something will have to be done about the Ammatar. It is clear that the policies holding sway in the Mandate are failing to ensure the security and well-being of the faithful.
I thank the One True Lord that this is, now, surely obvious to all.
I have the honor to be,
Sa-Baron Chakaid of Ves-Sefris, Zirsem V,
Colonel General of the 19th Royal Uhlans,
Plenipotentiary Representative of His Majesty Farokh Khanid III