Target the gate and select ‘Look at’ to see an Aura popup and complete the requirement. You’ll then need to activate each gate as the next step.
OMG I just tried to hack those nodes but they are so difficult that you need 3805780528906527956 attempts to hack one and by that time all others have regenerated and the transporter never shows up.
Lucky the transporter appears in the mining room but still - lol??
So I don’t know about anyone else but mining with 84057028572562795627 Mordus frigates in the room which insta-respawn every time may be not doable at all.
So CCPlease can you make this more difficult, so we all cannot complete this event?
What does the Transport actually do?
Saw a couple in the mining site but they dropped nothing.
Is harvesting for the event broken?
I jumped using the west gate with a Prospect properly equipped for gas harvesting.
I added also “temporal resource” to my mining overview.
But there is nothing I could lock on to use my gas cloud harvesters.
Is the gas cloud I should harvest also only respawning after server reboot? I tried it now 3 times over a time of 10 hours.
If I remember right also at the last two events on the first days respawns of locations did not work, till a bug fix was uploaded.
They drop this vapor or condensate like hauler spawns. And one event task is to kill one even though you may have already killed some of them.
Who is “they”? I killed dozens of ships and I have never seen any kind of vapor.
I am on the starter mission to harvest 100 units of vapor and condensate.
And I visited already the separation rig, which has some of the stuff in storage, but this seems to be accessable in a later mission.
Those haulers.
thats the thing I’ve shot them while they are headed to the station thingy and I have shot them when they are headed away from the station thingy all I get are emtpy wrecks .
I shot 2 of them while I was mining this condensate. One had condensates in it.
what? you do know this thread right? Dev Blog: October Balance Pass!
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