Using Bumping outside of preventing warping

I understand that bumping is a mechanic in the game. In ALL of the official rules it is to be used to prevent warping. Players that use bumping to knock mining ships out of a belt without the intent of preventing warping should be held accountable for it. This clearly goes against the defined rules of using bumping for the express purpose of preventing warping. If you can’t hold the players accountable, then they should be made able to be fired upon without Edencom retaliation. Tackling is, after all, a move for PvP.

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The CCP article on Bumping.

I’m not sure what you mean by “All the Official rules” - It feels like you are having a bit of a rant/unload. I’d imagine you were bumped out of a belt while AFK mining. That’s something that’s not going to generate a lot of sympathy - from me anyway, others my offer you a hankie to wipe your tears.

Note, this article does not forbid it. “Common reasons for bumping another ship include:” - it’s not an exclusive list, just examples of why you may want to bump.

The article also includes how you can protect yourself from being bumped while mining.
Of course, the best defence is “pay attention to what is happening around you”.




yes, and if you read it it says it is used to prevent warp, prevent entering a gate etc. It however does not state anywhere the prevention of gathering resources and mining. To do so should be a PvP starter and those that do it should be able to be attacked at will.

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They do faction tissues! - are they 10% more absorbent?


Ship Bumping * Ram the ship of another player with your own in order to prevent them from warping.

I have read it.
It says “Includes:” not “is exclusively limited to only:”
But you’d understand that if you read what it actually says rather than what you’d like it to say, or selectively editing bits from it, or just bluntly misquoting it.

I’m sure @Uriel_the_Flame will sell you the tissues at a completely unreasonable price if you wish.

To steal from another good game: Let me guess… Someone stole your sweetroll.

which, if you understood what I was saying instead of just going off on what you think I’m saying. It should start PvP. Go right ahead and bump me, but I believe just like any other form of tackling, it should change the player state to be attackable.

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Considering it is a Caldari faction product (greedy megacorps plus Jita 4-4) it is safe to assume it costs triple the price while providing +1% of benefits if lucky or outright performing worse than a T1 version. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Even better, a completely reasonable price of 1 bil ISK and if he’s too poor to afford it despite he’s a miner then I’m sure @Felix_Frostpacker the real pro miner will buy it instead. :face_with_monocle: :wink: :blush:

Sure thing but in exchange mining without a permit should also flag you as suspect. :wink:

:smirk: :innocent: :popcorn:

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however mining is not a pvp action such as tackling is. You are really not bringing anything of use to the conversation.

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It is, gathering resources is competing with other miners who are helpless against your actions without a way to counteract your deeds.

Also your mined ore competes on the market thus is also a market PvP action without counterplay.

Thus introducing an NPC empire provided mining permit system where miners actually have to register and pay for the privilege of mining is not just reasonable but something completely warranted and should be a thing already.

Wishful thinking or outright vile accusation. You just hate that people don’t agree with you and try to discredit their valid criticism by labeling them as whatever.

Argue instead of coming up with excuses, otherwise you are just here to troll instead of engaging in a discussion.


this I could understand. Having to have a permit from the faction in the region you are mining in. I could get behind that.

What I was refering to was posting things such as tissues and such instead of the actual counter argument of the Mining Permit as you finally stated.

If you check that post it was in response to a specific mention of an item by another poster, thus it was clearly not a response to you or your OP. Maybe try not confusing things which are clearly not related.

Mining, in my opinion, is not a PvP action as it does not effect another players ship directly. Bumping literally is colliding ships in an effort to fling them as far as possible. I can agree with Mining Permits for Factional Space. However, I don’t agree with no repercussions with purposefully crashing your ship into anthers to prevent mining or prevent mining buffs.

@Uriel_the_Flame - thank-you for taking this one on.

I keep forgetting the golden rule:
“Don’t argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

this is what i was speaking of as not being productive conversation. This is just name calling and trolling instead of actual contribution.

First part: It is indirect PvP yes, which is still PvP. Just as competing with resources. Nobody said nor CCP demands you can only counter-compete by the same means. There are other ways to compete with another miner: bumping, ganking and so on.

Second part: Bumping is literally harmless if you pay attention and get out of the way before you are bumped.

So now let’s be honest here, you want to mine in peace while being AFK. That’s all this rant of yours is about, nothing else.

Technically speaking, being bumped out of a belt is within the imaginary rules as it does effectively prevent you aligning while it’s occurring.

first, I am never AFK while I mine. that is your assumption and it is incorrect. Second, I have been dealing with bumping for a good long while now. I have lost a multitude of ships to Edencom because I destroyed the bumper. An Orca has an extremely hard time getting out of the way of a Corp that has 4-5 active bumpers. Even orbiting asteroid/MTU does not work when dealing with a lot of bumpers. So no I am not on here to rant. I am here to speak of the fact that I think as an act of tackling, bumping should start PvP and I should not have to worry about Edencom destroying my ship because I destroy a bumper.

Both when it comes to the ship changing direction and also when it comes to accelerating properly.