Using Bumping outside of preventing warping

You mean CONCORD.

They bring 4-5 times the numbers and you call this unfair and whatever?


With that you admitted this is a corp vs corp war effort. Completely reasonable. You just want a free get out of jail (corp mining warfare) card.

Yes, you are here to rant. And not just about a single bumper at that but five to six well coordinated bumpers.

Yes, your rant is completely unreasonable.

A miner that is actively mining is NOT aligning to anything as they are not attempting to warp. Tackling in any other way i.e. webifier, interdiction probe etc. starts PvP. Why should there be a different rule for bumping, which as Eve rules say, is tackling?

That’s your issue right there.

Also I would remind you of the existence of a specific rig that is related to this but as you are hostile, label everyone as troll and have a tantrum I will not help you overcome your lack of mining knowledge. Anyone who is into mining and knows what they’re doing will learn about that rig soon enough.

When I am here to actually discuss what I believe should be a change to the game mechanic with CSM, it is not a rant. I am not going off saying anything like “it’s unfair, I want my ore back” or dumb things like that. I am giving an idea that I think should be implemented and even agreed with your point of a Mining Permit. This makes it a discussion not a rant. But again, comments like you are posting now are just not conducive to an actual conversation so, I’m done speaking with you. I will talk with players that can actually discuss without name calling and trolling.

and I use a Higgs Anchor tyvm. Again you like to assume you are the smartest person in the room without really discussing anything.

Again you just dismiss valid points because you can not address them, do not want to address them.

First you acted like you talk about a solo bumper. Then it suddenly is a five-six bumper team of coordinated efforts vs one single miner ship.

Not to mention there are ways to counter this even mechanically. Any miner who tries to come up with solutions will learn about it.

Yet all you want is a free handout of CCP preventing you having to adapt to a situation. Let alone easily at that if you know what you’re doing.

And also learn about ping bookmarks.

Not to mention if they bring 5-6 times the numbers you either do the same and disrupt their bumping or bring 5-6 times the mining ships and give them a hard time.

Or fight back by counter-bumping their mining ops with 4-5 ships while mining or attempting to mine with one and if anything have their 5-6 ships occupied.

You self admitted this is a corp vs corp matter so clearly there should be plenty of ways to approach this, beyond asking CCP to change the game rules because of your lack of countering their counter-mining efforts.

Btw with one ship you occupy 5-6 of their characters, that is 5-6 mining ships not mining, so you already cause significant loss to their corp. So really not seeing the issue here even when it comes to balance.

I agree you are not as smart as you thought when coming here expecting to have the game changed for you because you don’t want to play the game and counter their corp acts against your corp. This is literally the game you know, action and counter-action.

if you are not going to discuss anything other than you saying “that’s the way it is get over it” please just ignore the thread and continue your day. Fly Safe.

Are they not either aligning or aligned to the rock they are mining?

as an Orca, I use Higgs, turn on industrial and align to an asteroid or MTU or the like. Within 2 minutes my Orca is about 150km outside of the belt going around 1k m/s… this is followed by any other miner ships no matter what Corp they are in as long is it is not the bumpers Corp. So again the assumptions of it being a Corp vs. Corp issue is not conducive.

He means hiring mercenaries (or having a separate merc corp), which is also part of corp vs corp warfare (including non-combat methods).

Mining is indirect pvp because you are stealing (yes, stealing) resources.

The reason why you’ll never see bumping as an act of aggression for a timer is the same reason bumping causes zero damage. Undocking from a station ships tend to bump into other ships.

But since you want csm @Mike_Azariah shall be summoned.

As the csm for newbros i can tell ya now, he doesnt agree with your stance

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Disagrees with OP so clearly a troll. /s(arcasm)

:upside_down_face: :popcorn: :blush:

I don’t know him so well though I trust your judgement. Still will be interesting to see his take on this.

Webifing also causes Zero damage but cause you to enter PvP. This is why I think it should be the same. Why should one form of tackling have a seperate set of rules than any other form of tackling. for that matter, Warp interdiction causes zero damage but causes you to enter PvP.

Except you are intentionally targeting a ship and preventing them from moving or whatever. Bumping is not the same.

except you are INTENTIONALLY targeting a ship to prevent them from warping, moving or whatever…

Clearly he meant locking a target and activating a module on it. But we all know that, including you. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

And i pointed out above why it wont do as you want. Ships bump each other undocking. The game isnt gonna differentiate different bumps.

To be clear, because it really can’t. On a literal, technical level.

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i agree that there are unintentional bumps that occur all the time. You can however differentiate an intentional bump based on speed during the bump. An unintentional bump isn’t going to be going 1-2k m/s

Unless someone deliberately rams into the Jita 4-4 undock to accelerate people and cause them all to become suspect if your idea goes through giving them suspect flags for being “intentionally” bumping others.

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