Using Bumping outside of preventing warping

2 ships flying at the same object bump into each other unintentionally. Now theres a pvp timer even though neither person meant to.

No. Leave bumping alone. The game cant calculate “intentions”

which the system would suspect the first collisions not the subsequent. It isn’t hard to code this.

We’re talking about CCP here. :wink:


But joke aside maybe it is maybe it isn’t. You assume it is easy while I and I think @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras too assume it is difficult. Only CCP can say for sure. Let alone if they are interested coding it in the first place.

To think, there used to be endless bumping when trying to warp, so ccp to appease the whiners put a 3 minute timer on it.

I have been bumping miners off the belts since 2013. My Machariel has seen a great deal of action. I have never been reported for it, because - irritating though it seems to be - it is, in the view of CCP, a justifiable action in the course of competition over resources.

The resources do not have to be scarce in order for them to attract my attention. It is sufficient that I wish those who mine in order specifically to build my ganking ships and mods to be able to do so efficiently and with the least amount of trouble. If that means bumping some other random off the belt, then so be it.

The rule established by CCP is that this activity may take place but that the bumper may not continue to pursue and bump the target outside of the initial system.

In my case, bumping is not intended to prevent warping but rather to encourage it.


Banned / GM action taken on :wink:

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this timer only works if it is continues bumping. Bumping at high speed, turning to get distance to do it again and again and again does not trigger this. I know because I was stuck for over 15 minutes at one point when I first encountered bumping.

I deal with fixing humans, not machines, idk how difficult coding is. Its above my head

If you give the warp command there is now a 3 minute timer. So CCP already helped you out greatly compared to the olden times. :wink: :psyccp:

speed differential coding is like 4 lines of code. add 2 more lines of code and it differentiates between primary collisions and secondary/subsequent. The real issue in it, I believe is that I am seeing is there are so many players relying on bumping instead of having to actual enter PvP and potentially lose a ship that there has been mass resistance to any change in either coding or ching the rule.

In fact, Uriel - certainly in the early days - I never encountered a miner who threatened or asserted that he would report me. The miners knew the rules as well as we did, and the authorities were much less inclined to coddle them.

Perhaps some did report me; you’re correct, I’ve no way of knowing. I remained and remain free to participate in this most EVE-typical activity.

I am, after all, a Minerbumper!

I only play since 7 years so not sure about the past but since I play I saw countless miners throwing tantrums on the forums and elsewhere, not rarely also threatening reporting the “griefers” involved.

Including similar behavior ingame as well (where they also tended to throw in some real-life threats and other “polite” stuff to spice their tantrums up).

To be fair not all of them were miners, or were not flying mining ship at the time at least, but probably they all fall under the umbrella term “carebear”.

So I’ve just based my assumption on these facts.

Edit: Just an example from personal experience…

I don’t know. I think it would be much better if there was a bump and all of a sudden there is a PvP battle going on over the belt. Much better than cowardly pushing with no PvP. This was the point I was getting to the entire time.

So are you saying they should try real PvP instead? :smirk: :innocent: :popcorn:

Yes. I think it should be changed so that if you want to bump, you should be ready to get in a real PvP fight.

There are lots of reasons to bump a ship.

You could bump it to prevent it from warping, sure, but have you thought of other reasons?

The most common reason for people to bump other ships isn’t nefarious, it just happens. You fly in the same direction as another ship while in a fleet or just with random other players in the same part of space and you happen to bump into them. While both ships cannot occupy the same spot in space, such bumps luckily only result in an elastic collision rather than an inelastic one; your ship doesn’t suffer any damage.

Aside from common bumping that happens all the time while in fleets or next to stations or gates where many other ships also happen to be, there also are people who use bumping to their advantage.

Not everyone uses it to negatively affect other players. Sure, some people use it to interfere with someone’s warp alignment or to bump a miner who isn’t paying attention.

But there also are people who use bumps to help others.

For example, I have seen people bump capital ships to make them approach the gate faster through bubbles:

I have seen suggestions about bumping lots of times. Usually it’s someone who plays in High Sec space who suggests changes because other players are using bumping against them, but these players forget that once bumping becomes illegal those same other players will make you accidentally engage in PvP by parking their ship right in front of you next time you undock from a station or move your barge through an asteroid belt.

You are complaining about how annoying bumping is now, but imagine if your ship was in a PvP fight or worse, CONCORDED any time someone parks their ship in front of yours.

Bumping is fine.

If you wish to not get bumped by people while you mine, try mining outside HS! :wink:

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This possibility exists in the form of the Duel mechanic. However, I have never known a miner (or anyone else for that matter) in Highsec who would agree to a duel in such a situation with a known (and somewhat crafty) ganker.

Most of them do not train combat skills and have only light combat drones to cover their nakedness.

The bumping is sometimes a prelude to PvP (Elite PvP, in fact), in the form of Le Gank.

If those wretched miners will not even take basic precautions to prevent a gank, what chance they’ll prepare for a full-on PvP encounter? None.

Funny anectode: A suspect baiting guy at Jita 4-4 was having a bump war between a bumper and his own bumper alt trying to get the bumped away suspect freighter (the bait) to be bumped back within the docking ring so he can dock up, while everyone was constantly shooting the freighter. It was an amazing and fun occurrence. Speaking of emergent gameplay. :slight_smile:

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again, a speed differential code is super easy. how fast does a ship come out of dock? not anywhere over 30m/s. how fast does a mining barge move? not as fast as a bumper. You are completely over thinking the “Accidental” bumping trigging PvP. As players that bump, you all know better than that. you all know how fast your ships are going to bump intentionally.

in your own instance “True” PvP is already going on. using a Bump as a positive to help another ship already engaged in PvP is just… wow.