[USTZ] DeltaForce-NPC Null PVX & Indy

Lead corp of the Hell AngelZ alliance seeking to reestablish ourselves into the NPC nullsec region of Stain on the border of Catch. Plans be return to Angels once we have 100+ members to hold our own in SOV Null. Till then we shall grace the way of the Sansha Lords.

-Lime Cytoserocin gas huffing
-Moderate ratting in the space we will have
-Daily Blop Fleets
-Daily Mining/Huffing fleets
-Daily Pewpew Fleets

-T1 Battlecruisers or better
-at least T1 Bombers
-have at least ears to listen to commands

Hell AngelZ Discord
Hell AngelZ | Alliance | zKillboard Zkill

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