Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

It is amusing how gallente bootlickers, who are incompetent to counter any of my points and were ‘steamrolled’ into walls by supreme caldari arguments in the past (or by guns in space), simply resort to spreading baseless slanders, just crawling out of their skin to try to insult me by any means - mostly by bringing in outlandishly exaggerated and straightforwardly dumb claims about my person.

imagine not capitalizing the C

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And your point being?..

Just expressing my surprise that, given the highly nationalistic and prideful tone of your discourse, you somehow did not write “caldari” with a capital first letter, which stands awkward in the midst of such a statement, much like this conversation.


In other words, pathetic insult attempt?

Typos happen.

Diana’s not the worst person to talk to as long as you know when to disengage before full blown argument. Finding that can be a little hard at times but… Meh

Any combat pilot worth their worth knows when and how to disengage when the time comes. Sometimes opportunity gets missed or ignored.

I’ve found her rather pleasant company. I mean, I’m not Gallente, which I imagine is a factor, but I quite enjoyed our last diplomatic meeting.

She isn’t exactly a fan of Matari, but still can’t say if you don’t go out of your way to actually push topics that get her going she’s really not bad.

She’s definitely objectively awful, and empty placations because it’s convenient or she doesn’t see you as a threat mean very little.


I suppose that’s easy to say, not being one of the topics that gets her going, but I actually think she’s rather spirited company. I tend to appreciate her earnestness, mostly. She’s excitable and communicative company, which makes her rather entertaining. I understand the concerns, but I thought it only honest to provide my own anecdotal observations.

Everywhere I’ve encountered her, she’s struck me as a supercilious bigot with a one-track mind, one who has so little respect for humankind that she thinks it’s fine to degrade anything and everything that displeases her.

It’s not even her negativity towards Matari, or even against me personally, that gives me pause. Grief knows there’s plenty of both around here. What bothers me is her refusal to consider, even for a moment, other points of view. I’m told she hasn’t changed over a decade, and that disturbs me.

I trust you, Constantin, when you say that she has a better side. But if she wants any of us to believe that—and given her apparent preferences, that’s a huge if—then she ought to start showing that side in public. She can start by accepting reason and not shouting people down at every chance.


Well, to be fair to your point, I’m often blessed by good company. Perhaps I’m somewhat disarming.

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Outside of the igs she’s not as bad, think of it as grandstanding in public. Though I probably dont face as much troubles since I have flown in calmil which might explain a bit. A little common ground does wonders, ya know?

Yes she is.

Your mileage may vary?


As much as I’ve been frustrated, don’t y’all think you have better things to do than gang on some random Caldari militia frequent flyer?


If people would just stop feeding her, then we wouldn’t have to have this discussion at all.

I recommend engaging her on the topic of archaic weaponry. You’ll have a more pleasant discussion.

Not really. The last time I engaged her with archaic weaponry, she failed to accept a strict adherence to our agreed-upon rules.

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Was that the howitzers at ten paces duel argument ? Or was that different archaic weapon duel I am thinking of.