Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

omfg go away


Stop calling me apostate.

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Nothing burns the ears of a deceiver more than the plain, simple and purest truth.

I have the honor to be,


Aga-Count Chakaid of Kahah III,
Sa-Baron of Ves-Sefris, Zirsem V,
Paladin Deacon, Orders Militant of the Theology Council,
Plenipotentiary Representative of His Majesty Farokh Khanid III

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The FAQ is pretty clear in that you shouldn’t be signing your posts.


@Aux_Aliette This guy is breaking the rules. Break his legs.


What, signing is against the rules?

■■■■ that.


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The FAQ also clearly states to not post no-content replies.

Might as well shut down the forum.


Is that why you don’t like being called a Blood Raider?


I find it a little odd that for all his bile against the supposed Blood raider consorters like Samira and Aldrith, that Alar Chakaid has never said anything to challenge me, the greatest Sani Sabik capsuleer philosopher of the modern era.

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Chakaid seems particularly unhinged today. I think he’s worried about Zashev going to Lord Sarum.


I think we should start reporting him.


Imagine being in one of the most powerful places in New Eden and you spend your day on GalNet in your KHANID KINGDOM 4 EVER undies typing up a storm on the IGS. Honestly, that sounds like the life.


Never change, Charles


But you are.

By what right? You’re not nearly virtuous enough in your own right to be so judgemental of others.

This is an extremely unhealthy and, frankly, toxic attitude. Just because you don’t know how to let anything go doesn’t mean everyone else should labor under the same weight of vindictive, spiteful and ultimately fruitless grudge-holding that you do, especially with regard to things that have nothing at all to do with themselves.

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Bolded for emphasis. He’s setting up to blame Lord Sarum…

He’s really at his rope’s end…

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If I was, you wouldn’t have had to keep whining at me to “come home” to the Republic.

Don’t ■■■■■■■ make claims about my faith, butcher.

No, I’m not virtuous enough. But I do have standards, and I hold others to the same ones I hold for myself. The same standards I was held to. And I expect for others the same thing I expect for myself: that when I fail to meet those standards, which I do, that I will be punished, lest I keep failing.

What’s unhealthy and toxic is the complacency and short memory spans so many people have. Where monsters like you can go a few years without making a splash and then be welcomed back in to the community with open arms. Where corruption in our friendships, our homes and communities, our governments, and ourselves, get overlooked and swept under the rug because forgiveness is more convenient than accountability. And then we wonder why evil exists in the world! Or in your case relishes in it, Mr. “I know this is wrong but I’m going to keep doing it anyway.” Evil and sin are tumors that must be cut out, not left in the body to fester and grow. That is poisonous. That is toxic.

See, the problem with slavery isn’t that it hurts people. It’s that it hurts the wrong people. It hurts innocent people. But monsters like you? A collar to your throat and a lash to your back, until the pain and degradation is enough that you beg for mercy after finally admitting that you are evil and have done evil.

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Apostasy requires only that you abandon a religious or political belief or principle. You have.

Later on, after you come down off whatever high you’re on and you’re in your right mind again, you’ll forgive the rest of us for rejecting the very premise of being held to the same “moral” standards that you were held to as a slave. Doubly so for expecting to be punished like slaves.

There’s a difference between doing wrong and being wrong. If my work eventually finds success, then we’ll see how it’s judged. If not… I tried. What did you do?

I haven’t denied that I’ve ‘done’ evil - again, doing and being, there’s a difference. And I don’t believe I am evil. In fact, I reject the very premise.

I saved a million slaves without turning around and executing 30% of them.

For a start.

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As far as I’m concerned, if their hearts, minds and souls remained bound in your slaver’s faith, you didn’t save anyone.

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