You practically tried to guilt me into signing on. “I’m going to run this slave colony regardless, but if you sign on, then you can make sure they get treated well!”
And you know what, I almost ■■■■■■■ agreed, because I wanted to protect them from you. If PIE had let me, I might have. But they were wiser than me and stayed my hand.
But you know what? It wouldn’t have even mattered. Even if I had agreed, and worked with you? They still would have been mistreated. Because I didn’t understand all the things that make up mistreatment, back then.
We don’t. We don’t remember. No two Clans remember the same crap the same way. That’s the crux of it all: there is more variation in what we think we ‘remember’ than there is between the policies of the Imperial Throne and the Federation Senate. Focus on that, and all you’ll get is squabbling, dissension, and internal paralsyis[1]. The last two centuries have more to do with who we are now, and how we work together, than all of the ‘remembered’ nonsense you seem to think means a damned thing.
It. Doesn’t.
But then, maybe that’s what you’re actually after. Internal dissent, chaos, squabbling amongst ourselves… the more things become fractious and dysfunctional, the more ineffectual we become, the more open people are to a message like Kuvakei’s.
Perhaps it would be a more desirable form of ironic justice to make a TCMC slave out of him. Making a master puppet of the puppet master could also have other benefits.
Milord, please excuse me for the intervention, but does terrorist actions should bring remorse? They’re just an unprofessional and unprofitable conduct, performed only by poor, uneducated and submarginal fighters. One who conducts terror shall feel no remorse, but shame for their incompetence.
On the other hand… the TREASON is a serious crime that shall NEVER be forgotten, showing remorse for treason is a must for every sensible human being, because treacherous behavior is the lowest form of human misdemeanor.
I believe Ms. Kernher shall pay for that crime according to the law, and the punishment shall be delivered without the mercy and regret. It shall be delivered as well in the same degree to those, who supported or collaborated with Blood Raiders, since that constitutes treason as well.
In any way, I wish you good luck, Milord, and I hope you will bring the Justice to every single one of them, disregarding how insignificant they are, or how high position they might have. None shall escape or hide behind any authority of any kind.
I gave you reply as for your comment ““Lack of family values”, and when have we been recognized for that”, and you DARE me blame me I didn’t read what being said, considering I replied to that as well?
You’re pathetic, gallentean. I am now feeling it was a mistake replying to you at all, considering the grade of argument you pull, presenting your insane delusions as “truth” without any proof.
Yes, we have discussed that already and you shall have learned from that. Apparently, you haven’t.
I am admitting diversity, as there are normal people and perverted people. And I don’t really care what perverts do behind closed doors, that’s their life, not mine. You totally missed the point, what I am objecting against is bringing their perversions to public, demanding any “rights”, speaking open about that so even children can be corrupted by that. And the problem is not just in perversions, but in openly sexual character of gallente society, even if it “normal” type.
You are again fighting windmills, making a false conclusion and arguing against that. I was talking about not “anything that’s not Caldari”, but “anything that is offensive”. Anything that’s not Caldari - that was a reaction defensive mechanism to minimize offensive behavior, and that’s that. Of course, YOU would misunderstand it in the most offensive manner to attack Caldari.
I don’t care about your stupid stories. You claimed quite openly that ““Genocides, tortures, violations, bullying”: we stopped to do that”. While you clearly haven’t.
Just another of your obvious lies that you were shoved your nose into and now all you do is trying to wriggle out instead of answering for that.
Because verifying that Gallente torture Caldari PoWs is the easiest thing that any capsuleer can do by herself. I could bring any other example, but really, this one was the easiest to catch you in your lies.
And now you blabber about “Caldari torturing everyone”, including “their own people”.
Well. I am myself among “everyone” surely, and definitely among “their own people”. It would be amusing to see how you would prove that I am being tortured by Caldari. Should I give you a chance or just dismiss you as another clown considering your failure both in bringing a civilized discussion and failure in bringing of requested proofs to your words?
You just had to sort properly your entire discussion.
Ok then:
Intergalactic definition:
“Luminaire-style systems have a unique take on the value of education for its populace. Unlike in other empires, it is not simply a case of training the workforces for future employment. Rather, the level of education is seen as synonymous with the level of civilization (the Amarr have a similar approach as well, albeit with devoutness involved). These systems recognize that political democracies need an educated workforce. They believe that an individual must be encouraged (but never forced) to improve, educate, and civilize oneself, not only as personal duty, but a social one, stating that the health of a society depends upon the civilization of its members. According to this doctrine, a community which upholds this duty has begun to realize that its culture is an organic unity and its civilization a heritage.”
This kind of education, hence, covers every kind of field; political, social, scientific, etc… And if you’re saying that “it’s the second worst one”, then you’re also insulting the Amarr empire that has a similar education of ours one.
This being misses ALWAYS your points (as seen before). Be more specific then, please!
Who can say that something is normal and something else is not? And don’t answer me types like “the decency, the civilization” because, if you don’t know that, many different types of decency and civilization exist around the entire universe. You can’t comprehend these things since you want to be as more homogeneous as possible (mainly from the genetic point of view and that’s a very big problem) but you have to face the nature truth (and once again, not forced by the Gallente cultures). You are also talking about minorities who doesn’t threat the human race (since minorities too). Don’t be finicky.
“Anything that’s not Caldari” IS “anything that is offensive”: you don’t tolerate any kind of behaviour, society, culture out of your state. Your authorities control every single citizen like pawns and don’t say me that this is not true. Your state in few words has an extreme capitalistic form at the economy field and a communist one at the society field. 2 extreme political forms that make the people life a nightmare. And this being repeats: Intergalactic definitions.
You didn’t read the story. Very well. This being can’t tell his thesis if you don’t read event the material.
In any case, name a genocide still in progress, just 1. And don’t respond “Caldari” because it’s typical that a very hated enemy starts to consider even the presence of the opponement a genocide. After you did that, read all the (intergalactic) Aidonis Elabon presidency and all his reforms.
…and so on. Firstly, the fact to be controlled 24/7 at every aspect of your life, even when you’re on bathroom, as told before, is considered as a torture method. You know why? Not because of “freedom is bad/good, freedom this, control that”, but because you don’t seem to be human but a giant Hivemind who use people like they’re part of his unique being and this however, shouldn’t be considered as an insult for you because it’s what you want to be and it makes you very honorable even if you lose your individual identity. But what happens if one of these… “nodes” rebels even for a single moment? The entire hive mind start to have suspects of a malfunction and start to control very highly than before the interested node; it becomes paranoid and his control extend to all the other ones. This paranoia, fear, can lead at other malfunctions but mainly it harms the nodes. If you got the situation, in a nutshell, every person of the Caldari State can be considered a suspect and they can risk to be incriminated (or worst, ruined) every single day. Someone (anonymously, of course) has written a small fiction history that, had also a piece of truth and summarized indirectly one of the methods of torture of the Caldari State. Yeah, similar things existed even with the Gallente, Minmatar or Amarr ways to torture but before to report at this being those stories (that he already knows) read all the subjects of the story.
From yours genocides point of view, your State continues to do that from their formation but you don’t admit that. You know why? Because you don’t considerate that. You know you’re doing that but you don’t put that at your stories because they’re non-entities as you call them. They’re not recognized from the state: Minorities, indigenous races, even the Achura were racially persecuted reducing them almost a minority that has been recognized from the State. For the other non Civire or Deteis, they also can try to enter at the State but they will suffer some discrimination the same from extremist forms that the State doesn’t matter to manage that. And you know why? Because the responsibilities of those “employees” are not charged to an unique political authority but to the single corporations. Your corporations can do EVERYTHING they want with their same “employees”.
And remember, they’re not Gallente propaganda. They’re matter of fact. Try to find a way to read the intergalactic encyclopedias. This being can help you.
What would you say of a community that not only recognizes and upholds this duty, but also meritocratically rewards its Citizens that particularly excel in terms of their education and ability to make great contributions in a given field of expertise?
How comes then they behave so uncivil, taking you as example? And many others if you will want - I can provide plenty other examples.
Now look not at the silly description but at the facts. How many hours a day a gallente kid is schooled? Several hours a day? How many hours a day a caldari kid is schooled? That would be almost whole day. Now add that Caldari teach only things that future specialists will need in their life or possible merging fields, turning them into excellent specialists disregarding what path they will choose. While Gallente stuff into them so much irrelevan intofmation that their “education” turns kids not into professionals, but into waste buckets of all sort of unrelated and unneeded arts and other craps.
Multiply percentage of useful education on actual time of study and you get that. Literally worst education.
You can also add to that lack of discipline. Are there strict punishment for violation of behavior in schools? Do teachers teach kids proper etiquette, respect, bowing, sitting quietly, modestly and strictly on lessons, not allowing them even single unrelated note while they’re reading - because punishment would be too hard? I guess no. From what I know, gallente kids are capricious undisciplined monsters who even dare to disobey teachers.
And they have too much free time that they use for unregulated playing and listening to mind-mumbling propaganda of gallente entertainment media.
Boom. I am done.
And you’re another jerk. I mean, how else one shall reply on that absolute bunch of lying nonsence you flood forums about me or us? Where exactly did you get this crap, was it brainwashed into your “this thing” head by that 24/7 propaganda , that you just repeat it with foam at your mouth without even checking facts first?
Because this is not true.
In the State there’s a ladder of authorities with grading power from lowest to highest, it’s very dynamic for those who can be at the bottom can climb very fast to the top. The State is not Federation where if you get “elected”, you have power to move pawns. In the State it’s about collaboration and working in your position. When you get authority, you get certain duties for that authority, not “pawns to play with”.
But how would you know? You’re just gallente who barks before checking facts.
There are two extremes in the State - it offers both the best and worst living conditions. Best for those, who are competitive. Worst for these lazy bastards and protesters. Yes, these are extremes. But on political sense? There is no extremes, there are very little politics per se in the State - nobody bothers with this crap in here. People work, people fight for better positions, people improve themselves. Political life in the State is nearly inexistent. You know what political form is truly extreme? Democracy. We do have shareholder voting, but each vote is weighted by person’s merit. We never descend into such extremes. as considering everyone equal.
Don’t you dare switching the topic - I demanded you the proof about tortures of PoWs first. You have no power asking me to name anything after that. I have shown already that you lied when you said you stopped doing that and need no further proof.
By whom? By you only? Go away.
And you seem to be a giant hallucinogenic mushroom. No, I swear. What did you smoke?
In the State people are measured by their skills, abilities, education, merit. There are no equal people. If you want to see a real loss of individual identity, look no further than Federation, where all people are treated as a grey mass of electorate herd.
The Hivemind that you got inside your head only? I don’t know, man, if it is in your head, then it’s your paranoia.
In the State rebels are simply eliminated, because unlike your hallucinogenic hivemind in your head, which might be allowed, rioting in the State is a CRIME.
Inside your head - without doubt!
Luckily, the State is not in your head. Of course, suspected can be anyone, but to be sentenced one has to commit actual crime. No crime - no punishment. Easy to concept to grasp even for a gallentean (I hope!)
I guess you’re too much into fiction with your delusional ideas. Can’t comment more on that part.
So how that would be related? Everyone tortures everybody? Have you lost already coherence?
All my what
Doing what exactly? “Genocides”? Where?.. Where exactly is a genocide? In that delusional Hivemind in your head with people executing everyone for no reason, or what the heck are you talking about now?
You know what? You again are talking about things you fail to comprehend. And I am not going to prove that there is no black cat in a black room.
What a load of baseless gallente propaganda!
Because that’s what happens in your soaked in propaganda head and not in reality. Bingo?
Your corporations could…
Ours? Not so. Because workers can simply leave corporation they don’t like. Corporations make people WANT to stay in them. But how would you know? You’re just another brainwashed gallentean puppet, talking about things he doesn’t understand.
That’s not Gallente propaganda just like all the planets have cubic shape. So, nope. Nobody is tortured here.
Oh, and a small following post that I could not ignore…
Ahh, and yes. THIS. This thing once again “predicts” post-factum. This thing has large brain? This thing thinks much?
And besides all that… yes, it’s exactly “this thing” who continues despite @Lithara asked to stop and blames other in doing that.
WHOLE freaking post just to blame other person for doing exactly the thing “this thing” did with that post.
Well, to hell “this thing”.
You guys can converse with that… “thing”, but I am finished for now. And I doubt I will be interested in future in giving him any more substantial answers other than showing him his place, really.
New Eden is roughly 100 LY across. This is roughly 1/10th of 1% of the diameter of a mid-sized spiral galaxy. We’re a fairly unremarkable cluster in an unremarkable arm of an unremarkable galaxy. There are no ‘intergalactic’ (ie: applying in multiple galaxies) definitions.
As told before, what you call “uncivilized” in the nature reality is a form of civilization. A single unique civilization doesn’t exist.
This can be summarized with a good “better stay sit for 24 hours at learn something that could be useful just for survive instead to find and experience every single aspect.of the life”. You just explained yourself at the question of why there’s not a boring monotony at the Federation. Because only studying without a space of time where your entire body need to do something else is literally unhealthy. Doing the same thing for too much time without any change causes damage at the entire human metabolism. Scientifically proven.
Are you afraid about punishments!? But if, indeed, we literally have the social education just to make them educated even in front of different behaviors and ideals? Don’t believe that the Federation has ONLY extremists and strange ideals and entities. Those are minorities.
This being checked the facts and just faced on you. It’s up to you believe it or not.
Intergalactic definitions:
“The State has the highest urban density of the four empires, leaving much of its population concentrated around urban and industrial centers on planets in and around the core systems, where corporate control is absolute.”
Please, find the mean of “absolute”.
“The Caldari are frequently cited as being the most efficient at keeping the best track of their citizens, as a requirement of citizenship is to be an employee of one of the megacorporations.”
“On one end, State citizen-employees are amongst the most emotionally fulfilled individuals in the cluster, but how much of this is a result of corporate indoctrination is unclear. In direct contrast, depression and suicide rates are noticeably higher in Caldari territories than anywhere else, attributed to the pressures of State society. Corporate authorities accuse these independent studies of bias, but the latter hit back at the former’s refusal to measure these statistics, even cover them up in some cases.”
The fact that “there are 2 extremes at the state” is a problem. The Federation, in fact, hasn’t the worst one and maybe neither the good one but it prefers to be at the normal-positive levels instead reaching the negative one. Who you call “protesters”, “poors” could have a potential that they won’t exploit just because the State considered so. At the federation they have the opportunity to restart and to re-reach higher levels that your state doesn’t allow to do that. At the federation you can have more than a second possibility. The democracy gives the power at the people, not a single men who thinks that a thing that a people doesn’t like is necessary and it has to be forcely liked at the people. That’s a Dictature, a real extremist form.
And who switched topic!? You already got the answer but you didn’t read that, come back when you read it.
By the nature.
And here we go with insults! This being lost the count…
What the? You’re starting to contradict yourself! First you think that people have to be equal and not tolerate the diversity non-Caldari and now you’re saying that people in Caldari are different!? If Caldari do those things then even the Gallente do that. Who think to have a specific skill, ability, education, merit can go to do what he thinks to do.
And who did say that “node” was rioting? Maybe it just committed a small crime that could also be resolved peacefully, but in your State, he’s condemned the same.
Who knows what do you mean with “crime”. That’s the problem.
Ok, you didn’t get. Typical. Also better, you don’t care. Repeating, if you don’t collaborate to get what this being is going to say, he can’t explain his thesis.
You “selected” your favourite races to build your “Caldari” race. Civire and Deteis wanted to be the only races present at the state (and actually they’re the 95-98% of the Caldari state). To do that, you have to decrease the presence of the other races or also deleting them. That’s a genocide. Other minorities are accepted but not seen so good from them. Remember that even the Achura have been persecuted one time.
read above
And all the rest of all this useless mass of words continues to make nothing if not give reason at this being.
Your continuous insults aren’t doing anything to enforce the thought of this being. Please, stop, calm yourself and try to discuss peacefully and don’t say now that “You’re extremely calm”.
Wait, you don’t listen the orders of your enemies so… Continue to fight for what you like and continue to spread your ideals! Ups! This is now a Gallentean order!
I’d rather track down all his clones, kill them, and then donate the bodies to science at every government institution we can supply with them. That way his mortal remains will suffer the final indignity of being a medical curio. I really don’t think spreading the knowledge of how to make Sansha’s ‘True Slaves’ would be of any benefit whatsoever.