Vanguard first impression

A LOT of copium in this thread, ‘it’s only alpha’ ‘it’s only barebones’ ‘looks great so far…’


Bring back WASD and arrow keys for control. Mouse not needed.

Vanguard is only pointless because CODE can’t bully players into joining CODE by constantly ganking the player.

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We certainly can.

A lot of whining from you about something YOU don’t like.

You can keep playing the last 15 garbage call of dutys and battlefields, they’re still there.

I couldnt agree more. Even the menu’s were terrible and the objectives felt pointless. They need to move this entire setup to an enemy territory type system for maps. and the guns need to be much much better.

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Vanguard is such a bad idea i dont even. They are probably trying to add value to peoples omega subscriptions and thats great but by creating a new game people can play with it they are taking a big risk.

They could just add value to EVE online instead but they probably dont know how or believe it wont give any returns. Its interesting to watch?

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My two cents: There were times in EvE: Vanguard where I said out loud, “I sure could really use a grenade right now!”

CCP please add grenades to EvE Vanguard!

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