Vanguard first impression

Sadly the game never started, would love to test it…
well, CCP got my 3 months subcription, so make it work^^

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Yah it’s a bare bones alpha test.

Like pre alpha lol. CCP probably hasent even started to design how the two games will be connected.

I liked the graphics, very cool looking. Got killed every time I entered, lol. It’s kinda tough to stay alive going up against groups of 3 as well as various sentry guns, which I don’t think should be active due to being in a crash site.

Definitely not a fan of wasd movement or all the other key board commands. The mouse should control character movement and weapon fire with the keyboard controlling view perspective. The game needs a tutorial and lacks clear explanation of mission objectives. Should also have a pointer in the map to show direction to go in order to complete mission. Also don’t like having a life timer, got close to completing one mission when timer ran out.

Overall I actually like the general premise of the game, just don’t like how it’s implemented as well as the movement controls.


Overall : Solid Start

I like that they’re using the Unreal Engine, it will mean adding more maps and content will be easier in the future.

I like to remember that there is still 1+ years of development to go and a lot can be done in that time. Having said that I’d love it if the focus of the rest of the dev time available was as follows:

  • stability - there were deffinitely problems with walking over rocks, connection issues etc
  • integration with the main eve client - didn’t really see anything but I think if this is going to be successful then its got to interface well with the main eve game.

I thought of a myriad of potential FPS game launch points in eve ( points at which 1 or more players and teams can go from the main EVE game to a FPS game ). These include

  • FW battlefield sites
  • Taking down a station ( after a reinforcement timer is done - you can choose to defend in eve or in an fps game ). Battle for the core in the station would be a great map!

If you focus on making loads of maps and content without the integration then you’ll have some nice content to walk around and play for a week or two but it will fade quickly and nobody will play it. It needs those integration points to the main EVE game and so far not seen any.


I don’t get the point of it, it’s too alpha right now for me to form any actual opinion, however I just don’t see how this is going to have any meaningful connection to eve.

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It does use unreal, so not sure what you’re going on about lol

Yeah thats not going to happen

You mean when the game is actually at a beta standard and not a finished product lablled as a beta like everyone else does? :stuck_out_tongue:


You smoking some crack there, WHO would ever want that sort of control scheme


I think there should be a ship in the eve universe, a breacher / troop transport type, that can breach a target citadel in Eve, in space, and if successful it will create a keepstar battle to remove all reinforcement timers and or asset safety mechanics.

Would be so epic

It’s pretty bare bones - I actually think Dust was better - at least the parts I remember about it.

Logged in, got shot nearly on the spot… FPS not my cup of tea :grimacing:

PS: Performance and graphics stunning, love the new launcher.

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I have no idea what these people who are raving about great performance are doing. This game averages like 7-10 FPS on a 2060 and maybe 20-25 on a 4080 with all low settings and a tiny windowed resolution. Either they’re not noticing the slideshow and think this is normal, or this thing is so un-optimized that there could be 300% differences in performance between similar hardware builds. I can get 40 FPS in Cyberpunk using a 980 from 7 years ago, and Vanguard doesn’t look even 5% as good.

This shouldn’t have been announced in its current state, let alone put out for an “event” with EVE in-game rewards attached to it. I think that CCP is just trying to cash in on the extraction craze that Tarkov and Dark and Darker have started. But by the time this game is actually ready to play in 2-3 years, that’s not going to be the “hot thing” anymore.

Watch, I bet CCP’s going to start monetizing this thing out the ass in a month. They’re likely fully aware that they’ve got a very limited amount of time to sell some $300 “founder packs” after watching The Day Before flop so badly.

Probably someone who doesn’t play FPS games?

This isn’t even the weirdest request I’ve seen from casual players. For example, one time some dude was begging PS2 devs to let him bind controls to his steering wheel because “mice and keyboards are for entering data and not video games.” Another time some boomer was asking how to make his mouse “not so fast” in Payday 2. He already had sensitivity on the lowest setting everywhere, and over voice you could hear him bang-swiping his mouse over the entire desktop surface (his character made about 15-degree turns with each massive swipe). People be weird sometimes.


Maybe they are used to TiDi. :wink:


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I was getting like 35-40 on a GTX2070 ( laptop version so worse than a normal 2070 ). I think your computer or drivers need updating.

What’s the point of participating in an alpha test if you hit one inconvenience and then get angry and dump it? It’s not supposed to be ready. The point is to find problems and make suggestions for further improvement before release to general customers.

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I’m admittedly not the worlds best FPS player, but in my brief time before I couldn’t motivate myself to continue I managed a positive K:D ratio for what little that matters.

It never once felt good to kill another player. It was basically just a question of who clicked on and deleted the other player first. No sense of actually outplaying anyone, no sense of skill or accomplishment, just super short engagements with little scope for tactical play. I also just didn’t care when I died. There was nothing rewarding about playing and at no point did I feel like it was fun.

Gunplay was unstatisfying and recoil was tuned way too high. Why would you even have automatic firing mode on a gun with a 60º spray? Like, which engineer’s gonna ship that product? You can build jump gates and doomsday weapons but it’s still not possible to build a gun that doesn’t spin the user round in a pirouette with each bullet fired? It’s not like you could hit a house with controlled burst fire.

The whole experience was bland and uninspired. Feels like a very cynical attempt to cash in on the popularity of Fortnite without any of the flair or substance (neither of which Fortnite exactly has in buckets), which makes it worse.


This is alpha people…

End of story…

Everybody? WASD is only good if you have fingers made out of rubber…

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I mean, no, i’ve literally never heard of this complaint in any of my last 20 years of FPS gaming, literally nobody else has ever suggested such a terrible control scheme lol

It’s too open, empty and lacks any real engaging goals.

There is no immediacy that you will find in literally any SUCCESSFUL fps on the market today.

Vanguard is DOA.

Alphas can be very indicative of the overall experience.