Variety is the Spice of Life

What are you even yapping about?

It’s pretty sad. The least they could have done was to create or use some very minimal rocks so they weren’t an eyesore and a navigation hazard.

Here’s CCP’s mission statement: “Our mission is to create virtual worlds more meaningful than real life.”

The ridiculous hubris of that statement aside, one wonders how they plan to accomplish this with consistently half-baked, poorly planned, buggy efforts that aren’t even quality reviewed? I suspect they live in a little virtual world all their own, and “real life” hasn’t quite impacted them yet.


Looks much more like a database replace/text file replace by someone who didn’t even have the site up in any kind of graphics window. And the QA process was probably just asked to check the sites worked, not that they looked pretty.


This is very likely the truth of what happened. It was a script run on missions to remove asteroid objects and replace them with static objects.

Lazy, shoddy, and pathetic.

If they actually gave a damn about how the community perceives the game, they’d have put it into a devblog and said something along the lines of “Due to the redistribution changes, we’ve removed ore from several missions, and while it is not a pretty solution we’ve quickly replaced those rocks with static objects so that the missions retain their general overall appearance. It was done via script, was done very quick & dirty, and looks a bit cheesy, but we are going to be resolving that issue in the near future when we address missions”.

but no…


didn’t you know that CCP= Cut Copy Paste?

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