Veine's Incursion Thread

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 81:

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The other way around.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P81 Edit 1 @ 03:35:

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Veine’s Incursion Thread P81 Edit 2 @ 22:13:

Veine’s Incursion Thread P81 Image 5

Veine’s Incursion Thread P81 Image 6

[Vindicator, Vindicato]
Inertial Stabilizers II
Expanded Cargohold II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Expanded Cargohold II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II

Shadow Serpentis 500MN Microwarpdrive
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II

Large Core Defense Field Extender I
Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
Large Core Defense Field Extender I

‘Augmented’ Hammerhead x2
Gecko x2
‘Augmented’ Hobgoblin x1

Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L x4097
Null L x8369
Nanite Repair Paste x2219
Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L x1491
Void L x19407
Improved X-Instinct Booster x1
Strong Drop Booster x4
Damage Control II x1
Large Shield Extender II x1
Expanded Cargohold II x3
‘Stoic’ Core Equalizer I x3
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II x4
Tracking Enhancer II x3
Warp Core Stabilizer I x1
Warp Core Stabilizer II x2
Inertial Stabilizers II x2

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 82:

Veine’s Incursion Thread P82 Edit 1 @ 01:54:

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575m ISK

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988m ISK

575m ISK + 988m ISK =
1.563b ISK,

to over 1.1b + 575m ISK = 1.67b ISK

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 83:

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724.2m ISK

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1.102,7b ISK

1.826,9b ISK

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 84:

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1.502b ISK to 1.402b ISK. (+the alt) +

Veine’s Incursion Thread P84 Image 2
610 PLEX + 110 PLEX on the alt = 720 PLEX balance towards my first Rorqual at around 15b to 20b with the pilot and books and modules.

I will be better to get a Freighter before, even though I had one before, and a Jump Freighter.
The Jump Freighters are now more expensive from 30% to 50% more, and so, I will need to make videos of it to keep the proof that I purchased it.
I am also trying to get copyright of it due to forfeiture.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P84 Edit 1 @ 01:56:

1.675b ISK on the main running Scimi.
(I will also fix the dark picture from screenshots.)

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 85:

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903.7m ISK

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1.770,2 b ISK

Equals to = 2.673,9 b ISK

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 86:

Going to buy 3 ‘Augmented’ Hammerhead in Jita (best published deal), at 44,799,999.92 ISK each.
Equals 134, 399,999 ISK.

Next, I’m looking for a Basilisk, and how I can move it.
However, there are no incursions focus to move it to at this time.
So the ship would only have to stay where it would be purchased, or, moved to one of 2 Bowhead’s location.
I may also reactivate my bowhead pilots to increase my incursion income since 6 GB of RAM was enough to dual client.

I have 1.635b ISK left on lilsteel, and the Basilisk ships hull are 239,494,444.40 ISK in Jita.
It is also the best published price.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P86 Edit 1 @ 21:04:

I purchased one from Perimeter, 1 jump away from Jita.
The best ship to carry this to the Bowhead or focus is the Bestower.
The 2 Bestowers I have are 12 jumps and 14 jumps, so it may be easier for me to fit a new Bestower to carry it.
I have a Wreathe which can carry 10,259.8 m3 with speed rigs.
The next nearest industrial is 10 jumps away.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P86 Edit 2 @ 01:42:

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713m ISK, yet, I had 2.6b ISK worth.
I had 900m left on the other account, however, far from 1.7b on the first account.
There was only 200m ISK, like if I had spent 1.5b which I probably did not.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P86 Edit 4 @ 14:37:
It turned out that I did.
I have the 4 pages of wallet expenses and even the transfer of 700m on top.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P86 Edit 5 @ 15:07:

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Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 87:

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1.014b ISK.

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Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 88:

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Veine’s Incursion Thread P88 Edit 1 @ 06:24:

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Veine’s Incursion Thread P88 Image 4

|[Bhaalgorn, Bhaalgorn Standard]|
|Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II|
|True Sansha Heavy Energy Nosferatu
True Sansha Heavy Energy Nosferatu|
|Large Remote Armor Repairer II|
|Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field|
|Domination 500MN Microwarpdrive|
|Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier|
|Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II|
|Damage Control II|
|Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II|
|Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I|
|Large Energy Burst Aerator II|
|Acolyte II x10|
|Ogre II x4|
|Conflagration L x1|
|Scorch L x1|
|Nanite Repair Paste x50|

Other Accepted Battleships > Pirate Faction

Veine’s Incursion Thread P88 Edit 3 @ 01:37:

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1.130b ISK

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 89:

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1.254b ISK

Veine’s Incursion Thread P89 Edit 1 @ 21:12:

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1.335b isk

Veine’s Incursion Thread P89 Edit 2 @ 00:54:

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1.613b ISK
Probably enough to activate my Bowhead pilot or extend the soon to be 2nd Logi Omega clone status.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P89 Edit 3 @ 02:09:

Veine’s Incursion Thread P89 Image 4

I spent 1,298,699,953 ISK
to buy 390 PLEX in Botane
and had 610 left on this account,
so I now have 1,000 PLEX
or enough for 60 days of Omega clones.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P89 Image 5

The PLEX were 3,329,999 ISK each.

Balance now is 290.2m ISK.

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 90:

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1.02b ISK + 1,000 PLEX.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Edit 1 @ 19:05:
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Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Edit 3 @ 19:38:
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879m ISK balance with expenses.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Edit 4 @ 20:31:
Shopping list, and list of systems to sell modules and items from:
(1) ‘Augmented’ 5 x Light [Warrior or ? verify]
in WTM fits.

(2) + 2 x Light Hull Maintenance Bot II

(3) 10MN Afterburner for Upgrade.

(4) Cap Booster Drugs.

(and Shipping location to follow…)

Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Edit 5 @ 22:07:
Parrosa > Kador
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1.225b ISK

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12.598m LP

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Liberation of Parrosa.

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Light Hull Maintenance Bot II

Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Edit 7 @ 22:59:
(3) 10MN
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Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Edit 8 @ 23:24:
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After verifying in the fits, none of those drones were used ,
except for the Nightmare fit.
Lights are: Acolyte, Hobgoblin, Hornet and Warrior.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Edit 9 @ 23:37:
Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Image 14

Mindflood Booster

Veine’s Incursion Thread P90 Edit 10 @ 23:45:

4 Market Items added to Quickbar to create contract for delivery at the next Incursion Focus.

How much isk have you made so far?

1 Like

Probably over 30b to 40b if not more.

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 92:

Veine’s Incursion Thread P92 Edit 1 @ 16:44:
To make contracts, the items to send by courier contract have to be in my inventory before I get them to be shipped by someone else.

I can’t just have someone else than me buy them for me, and then, have a courier contract with collateral made for them to ship it to me by courier.

There are also costs to do so, but I can get a Jita Alt, or Amarr Alt, or Dodixie Alt to do so.
A Rens and Hek Alt will also be good to minimize the jumps required and increase payout for the courier service.

I can also use Alpha pilots to do so, but I do have enough active pilot to manage to do this now, although I don’t have any active Alts in those places.
I probably have a few in those Market Hub, however, I don’t know which ones yet, and they were not placed there for that purpose.
Jump Clones can also be good for that.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P92 Edit 2 @ 20:14:

Veine’s Incursion Thread P92 Image 1

Scimitar Hull, 107,000 m3 (10,000 m3 Packaged) are 228.9m ISK in Amarr < Domain.
Basilisk Hull, 107,000 m3 (10,000 m3 Packaged) are 234.9m ISK in Perimeter < The Forge
Vindicator Hull, 486,000 m3 (15,000 m3 Packaged) are 456.9m ISK in Jita < The Forge
Nightmare Hull, 486,000 m3 (15,000 m3 Packaged) are 569.9m ISK in Jita < The Forge

I will then also list the fits and prices, as I may be able to find some better deals than repeatedly be moving back and forth between incursions, depending on how much ISK I make per focus and per Constellations.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P92 Edit 3 @ 20:26:

That is not all.
There are also other factors to take into consideration such as the location of other station where those modules, items and ships are for sale.
Listed public contracts are also another possibility.
They are to be taken in consideration for price and distance from the incursion sites.

One more factor to determine , or analyse, or consider, or take into consideration, and not ignore, or disregard, or deem inadequate, or fail to consider is that, why would it be worst to use a Bowhead with 4 or 5 ships in it, for 39 Jumps, plus the jumps it takes to move the Bowhead to the start point, if and when that Bowhead will get attacked and blowed up without escort or Alt to protect it, and lose a potential 5b to 6b worth of ships, not to mention 7b to 8b, if the Vindis are worth 2 billion each, when a Vindi could be moved individually and not risk losing the rest of the loot worth. ?

It’s now time for me to be going to work (3:33 PM to 6:45 PM start for 7 PM shift equal around 3 hours and 15 minutes with almost 2 hours of transport if the transit is not too slow).

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 93:

Veine’s Incursion Thread P93 Image 1

39 jumps to Dantbeinn.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P93 Edit 1 @ 22:38:
I found and logged a Jita Alt.
That means that I either have to get 2 more Alts in the other 2 major trade hubs, or more more pilots there.

Also, 96 jumps to get a Bowhead and pilot it safely.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P93 Edit 2 @ 01:48:
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Arriving 3 hours later.

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Glacial Mass Belt, which would make bringing a Porpoise and Mining Barges and my 1st Exhumer , useful.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P93 Edit 3 @ 15:43:

Has a listing for all 5 Major Trade Hubs, which is what I am looking for to list the modules I need for Incursions.
I can start to distribute them in those Constellation to make it easier for ships to get the supply they need for work.

It also has other good links.
Has universal related average numbers calculated which may also become useful in case.
This site has module data with comparison listed.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P93 Edit 4 @ 16:45
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Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 94:

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1.871 b ISK remaining, just send 300m ISK for insurance.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P94 Edit 1 @ 03:38:

Veine’s Incursion Thread P94 Edit 2 @ 03:58:
Your ship, Scimitar is insured. If you create this contract the insurance will be voided, whether the ship changes hands or not.

This was Post 95

If I am a spam bot, that means you are even more of a spam bot.

But since it was removed, the subsequent posts were shifted by one numerical post address back by 1 number (on the right side scroll bar).
Post 96 below then becomes the Post 95 as per above.

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 96:
Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 95:, however, this
Post 95 only shows up on the right side scroll bar, which has the new updated numbers of the posts from the start instead of the post URL address, which kept the original data, which data is 96th posts instead of 95, as for the subsequent discrepancy of 1 post less on the bar than the post number in the URL.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P96 Image 1

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3,964 with 3 guns, Tech II hybrid Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Void L, Optimal Range, with a 5% Damage Multiplier Bonus from an Agency ‘Pyrolance’ DB5 Dose II.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P96 Edit 1 @ 01:29:
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4,481 damage with 3 guns. (Guns, not GNUs.)

Veine’s Incursion Thread P96 Edit 2 @ 01:51:
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2.150b ISK balance.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P96 Edit 3 @ 03:48:
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2.272b ISK

Veine’s Incursion Thread P96 Edit 4 @ 19:12:
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Veine’s Incursion Thread P96 Edit 5 @ 20:33:
Looks like I may not need to invest anymore into Incursions until I start my own, due to warfare.

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 97:
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Veine’s Incursion Thread P97 Edit 2 @ 19:29:
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Definite camper coming out of Amarr on the exit gate warp off,
but they were maybe in wardec.

I went back in through Amarr at the last system anyways.

I made it through safely.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P97 Edit 3 @ 19:52:
x2, from the start.
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Avoiding Deltole.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P97 Edit 4 @ 20:34:
As soon as I started to move the Alt , they destroyed the Kundalini, so the Alt has to move elsewhere now anyways, and so does the Bowhead, or the other Bowhead.

I may start to have to buy more ships on each sides (of the Niarja / Uedama pipe).

Veine’s Incursion Thread P97 Edit 5 @ 20:48:
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2.325b ISK
Oh yes, and a Leeroy by accident and 83% shield.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P97 Edit 6 @ 07:23:
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650m Contract Price #1
650m Contract Price #2
400m expense for Inquest ‘Eros’ Stasis Webifier MR-807

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#1 for 17.75km web(s) Abyssal Stasis Webifier

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gn 2:35

Veine’s Incursion Thread P97 Edit 7 @ 18:02:
Internet is intermittent enough that EVE Chat shows as - Undelivered.

Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 98:
It turned out it probably was not the internet which was being intermittent, but rather a Windows update.
The update is now installed and there it no problem.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P98 Edit 1 @ 23:59:
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Avoiding Bagodan (2 kills on Hama gate) and Niarja

Veine’s Incursion Thread P98 Image 2

Veine’s Incursion Thread P98 Edit 2 @ 00:09:
[Nightmare, Nightmare I]
Centum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II

Abyssal Stasis Webifier
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Shadow Serpentis Sensor Booster
Thukker Large Shield Extender
Large Shield Extender I
Abyssal Stasis Webifier

Large Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer
Drone Link Augmentor II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Energy Ambit Extension II
Large Energy Locus Coordinator II

Vespa EC-600 x5
Acolyte II x5

Imperial Navy Multifrequency L x25
Imperial Navy Gamma L x50
Xray L x4
Imperial Navy Xray L x50
Multifrequency L x4
Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L x21
Imperial Navy Standard L x37
Scan Resolution Script x4
Optimal Range Script x4
Infrared L x8
Nanite Repair Paste x931
Targeting Range Script x3
ECCM Script x3
Scorch L x4
Tracking Speed Script x4
Aurora L x37
Gleam L x50
Damage Control II x2
1600mm Steel Plates II x2
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II x2
Gyrostabilizer I x1
Large Energy Burst Aerator II x1
Large Energy Ambit Extension II x2
Large Energy Locus Coordinator II x1
Domination Tracking Enhancer x1
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier x1
Large Remote Shield Booster II x4
Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates x2
‘Basic’ Tracking Enhancer x1
Large Anti-Explosive Pump I x3
Large Remote Armor Repairer II x1
Sentient Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer x2
Capacitor Power Relay I x1
Expanded Cargohold II x9
Shadow Serpentis Sensor Booster x1
‘Stoic’ Core Equalizer I x3
500MN Microwarpdrive II x1
Domination Stasis Webifier x2
Tracking Computer II x4
Heat Sink II x6
AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier x1
Sensor Booster II x1
Civilian Miner x1
Republic Fleet Target Painter x1
Imperial Navy Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter x1
Large Ancillary Armor Repairer x1
Rapid Light Missile Launcher I x1
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I x1
Tracking Enhancer II x2
Target Painter II x1
Expanded Cargohold I x1
Large ‘Regard’ Remote Capacitor Transmitter x1
Large Core Defense Field Extender I x1
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane x2
Warp Core Stabilizer I x11
Tachyon Beam Laser II x8
Inertial Stabilizers I x5
Inertial Stabilizers II x2

Veine’s Incursion Thread P98 Edit 3 @ 01:12:
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Avoid Niarja and Bagodan.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P98 Edit 4 @ 02:26:
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Veine’s Incursion Thread P98 Edit 5 @ 21:10:
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2nd half of the trip, with a Basilisk escorting the Bowhead.
I’m also recording videos by the way.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P98 Edit 6 @ 23:33:

Lost a 250m Basi with a 325m web to CONCORD.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P98 Edit 7 @ 23:43:
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Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 99:

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  • 1 jump avoiding Bagodan.

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Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 100:

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Veine’s Incursion Thread Post 101:

[Vindicator, Vindicato]
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II

Shadow Serpentis 500MN Microwarpdrive
Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Abyssal Stasis Webifier
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II

Large Core Defense Field Extender I
Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
Large Core Defense Field Extender I

Gecko x2
‘Augmented’ Hobgoblin x1
Hammerhead II x2

Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L x330
Null L x10871
Nanite Repair Paste x439
Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L x1175
Void L x10882
Standard X-Instinct Booster x1
Synth Drop Booster x3
Strong Drop Booster x2
Agency ‘Overclocker’ SB9 Dose IV x1
Agency ‘Overclocker’ SB3 Dose I x1
Agency ‘Overclocker’ SB5 Dose II x1
Agency ‘Overclocker’ SB7 Dose III x1
Quafe Zero x1
Standard Blue Pill Booster x1

Veine’s Incursion Thread P101 Edit 1 @ 01:58:

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Veine’s Incursion Thread P101 Edit 2 @ 02:24:
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968m = 1,333m ISK = 1.3b ISK.

Veine’s Incursion Thread P101 Edit 3 @ 15:24:

Veine’s Incursion Thread P101 Video 1

bandicam 2018 11 19 21 01 43 147
EVE Online Incursion with WTM (Warp to Me) HQ (Head-Quarter) TCRC (True Creations Research Center).

Veine’s Incursion Thread P101 Video 2