Version 18.10 - General Feedback

The new font causes headaches. Its way too thick and makes it difficult to read. Trying to separate thicker letters becomes more difficult especially in something like up on the system info bar, region names being especially difficult due to it being condensed and being in very thick lettering.

Please change it back. After only a minute or two I have an eyestrain from trying to read all the chat ingame.


Something to maybe try (it may well do nothing different)

Create a new profile in the launcher, associate it with your account, and see if it’ll start there. In case it’s a setting causing the issue.

Things which may be beneficial for CCP to know: What kind of graphics card you have?

(I’m having no problems.)

Worst deployment since Incarna?

darth fail


Two hours in not a “delays”! If it were real traffic you’d be executed already :smiley:


I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart for this amazing event. I am having so MUCH fun!
I don’t know who came up with this brilliant idea, but I instantly subbed for 12 months.

Here guys, use my ref link:

45 jumps between Amarr and jita! Are you serious?


hi guys, yeah we dont know what the issue is, can you let us know the systems so we can narrow down where the issue might be, most of our engineers have taken annual leave today so we are short staffed.

1 Like

Your new typeface (font) is too blurry. Too “bold” if you want to,
but definitely not sharp. It’s really hard to read in a block of text as well.

White on Black is especially bad.
I’m having a really hard time reading it.

And just so you know, my eyesight is above average. I’m using a 15" 1920x1080 display
and usually set my fonts to small because that’s perfectly fine for me and my eyes.

Currently it’s at 90%.
100% doesn’t improve the situation, because the size isn’t the problem.
Actually, I had to set chat font sizes to 10 now, because at 11 it’s too big.

You’re doing this agian, where you don’t know that there are things you really shouldn’t touch,
or at least only touch with extreme care and understanding of what you’re doing …

… like changing the font.


welcome to two months ago


Auviken -> Kausaaja
Auviken -> Kakki
Auviken ->Oijamon
Auviken ->Ohvosamon
All the gates in Auviken are not working


Two rules of development:

  1. Something would be broken.
  2. There will be whine

Maybe you should have fought for Edencom.


another’s devil’s advocate, they have SISI to test this kind of deployment…


What a mess after this patch…

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I hoped that they will present a solution for that. :-/

Ccp doin ■■■■■■■■ Things.
Special thx to Rat at Ati and psycho


Yes but it does not help when everything is offline.

What is the point of playing if I cannot?

As always… learn new rules and adapt.


The hotfix to address the reported client issues is currently in testing and we are aiming to have it deployed soon.

We are also working on restoring the services for the affected gates, so that travel across the New Eden can return to normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


CCP, please, return old font, new font looks just awful. Too blurred, links is just unreadable. New “Small” font looks like old font, but just worse