Version 18.11 - Known Issues

I’m glad you guys know about this but can we get an ETA? It’s only as annoying as someone constantly lighting your sack hair on fire every few minutes. Thanks!


The search for worthwile ESS systems doesn’t work for me. If I enter any value above the default 10M for main bank it gives 0 matches.

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maybe because people are ratting less :wink:

I am finding less and less reason to login. The game is morphing from a sandbox to a P2W battle arena, with an actual plot in which I have no interest. Moreover, I could not login with my main account here. There was a requirement for email verification which was accompanied with NO email for the verification. On an alt my alt was moved from one of my emails to another, and I was given a password to login, and then that was the same, request for verification and no email forthcoming. After a week of back-and-forth with GMs, I was sent a manual verification code which I then had to mail to the GMs so they could complete the process. I logged in with that alt, but the account appearing is my main (WTF?).

Well, ths game has passed me by. It seems to be going in a direction in which I have no interest. It was fine when I could be a carebear for a day, and a PvPer the next, but now, I have no idea what is going on and I am for the first time not interested in learning. I have a receptacle for my main, but there is about 2B in assets that that receiver will not use, so I will choose a player at random among those who have written nice guides and/or plans for players.


Noted. I use linux exclusively for everything except Skyrim, and I have a separate computer for that. My experience does not yet match yours. I have tried it under The latest Zorin OS and under Manjaro, which are my current favorites. At one time I was a development engineer for Mandrake Linux (Later Mandriva).

I have a fairly old OS (Mint 17.3), which may have something to do with it. The oddest thing is that the clients and launcher all still work OK after this error (which happens on every client launch), the only symptoms being the error message itself and the (intermittent) non-changing Icon against the account-name on the launcher screen.

I really must get round to updating my op-sys one of these days… :blush:


I was about to say this is also happening to me, but the reward appeared when I logged back in an hour or so after hitting the Titan. Not sure if it takes time or you need to relog.

The Min Main Bank Value filter does – unsurprisingly – not work. Without the filter active, I see several ESS within 20 jumps that have more than 10M in the main bank. If I activate the filter with the default 10M value, I don’t see any results. Funnily enough the same filter works for the Reserve bank. :tada:


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“Jita4-4” apparels have no color …


We don’t care what you say because you just come across as an angry American with a chip on his shoulder. Anyway you didn’t fully read my comment and if you did you didn’t understand the light hearted nature of it as I was actually poking fun at British English for being inconsistent. Ironic you calling other people thick.

Not to be salty or negative or be a troll or whatever negativity I’m going to get from this response but what about these issues! Autopilot engaged autopilot disabled no Waypoint set


now you just need to adjust all the rest of stations in eve that face the wrong way.

Various ESS filter fields don’t work. Set Reserve Bank min to 100m and 0 results, reset the filter and see lots of systems with 100m+.

Similarly the system ratting index low/high % thresholds are broken.

Did you even test the ESS Agency UI? Very little of it actually works lol

BUG . . . :parrot: :aussieparrot:

I noticed that in some agent missions wrong objects are being loaded on the map.

Many collidable objects that didn’t used to be part of those missions.

The last mission I noticed was in the Lev.4 - Rogue Drone Harassment.



Mission video before the BUG


Docking range is largely increased in gallente stations. Its like 5-10km extra distance from the lights the circled around the station that was used as in indicator that you where in range. Now you dock well outside these lights. It is very large now.

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[Pochven] NPC Aggression is still super buggy. Triglavian NPCs will shoot players with 3.0+ standing if they take any aggressive action against their targets (EDENCOM, Rogue Drones, Drifters/Sleepers) while on grid.

This also applies to groups of the same NPCs fighting on the same grid. Just a couple of minutes ago I saw a fight in which EDENCOM and Sleeper NPCs both teamed up to fight their arch-nemesis EDENCOM…

(Admittedly it was Amarr NPCs shooting Caldari NPCs so they probably deserved it)


2020-11-12 03_18_54-EVE - KnightGuard Fury

Multifit isnt showing my other containers that have my fits for all my ships. i don’t know if this is happening to other people but its def annoying the hell out of me

Two “fixes” for this.

  1. Relog, that will force the Redeeming Queue and you will find the Jita crate in the Redeem Window
  2. Redeem another item in the Redeem Window, that too forces the Redeeming Queue to update and you will see the Jita crate immediately
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We have a fix in place that will go out with the next deployment either today or tomorrow.

EDIT: Might have jumped the gun here as there seems to be a few edge cases that still need to be addressed before the fix can go live. Will keep you posted on the progress!