Shouldn’t they actively have to do something to cause damage though?
Assigning drones to another player is another way to lower the attention needed to play this game. It is a tool used by multi-boxers, including myself, to massively scale my attention by controlling many character’s worth of drones with one click.
It is for sure a nerf, but definitely one that impacts multi-boxers much more than a fleet of real people. Logi pilots might have to up their game a tiny bit, but I am sure they can find a few seconds to send their drones after something every once in a while.
They are Logis. What do you suggest they should do? They are repairing people already… You see, this kind of thinking is what leads to the ridiculously bad feature quality of CCP’s developments.
Send their drones after a target rather than being able to let someone else do that for them?
This is a change, but let’s stop pretending that the sky is falling. Players will adapt. Drones will be less useful and maybe other weapon systems more preferred. You’d think from this thread the game was called Drones Online or something.
The benefits of less ease for multi-boxing will ultimately be enjoyed by everyone.
I am not disagreeing with the fact that multiboxing afk isk making probably needs to go, but its like putting the wagon in front of the horse. They should look at reworking drone mechanics as a whole imo. Its been pretty much the same broken mechanics for years now.
The multibox meta is just going to change and thanks to skill injectors it’ll be very fast. Multiboxing tengus for example has always been much easier than managing drones.
if i have 2 ships; working together… and assist one set of drones to the other… and the other aggros both sets of drones… how is that AFK? Its not AFK in any sense at all. Anyways, like I said its pointless to remove it and lots of people do exactly this (RR Domis for example; btw with no AFK ratting this is a nice option no longer available).
Its not AFK, its not botter related, and people just cheer for screwing over other people because they are a-holes… because in the end it has NO negative effect; at this point to me I consider CCP being incompetent or intentionally stifling something I personally enjoy… and its going to be the last time…
I do not care much about the removal of auto aggro of drones on NPC. What I care about is that CCP removed PVP abilities although they said they would not. What also bothers me is that drones do not attack when I attack something. I have already pressed an activation button but because CCP is so abyssmally bad at coding, I have to press another. This is a great gameplay experience.
And if we stick to the example of logis whoring on targets to get on killmails: It would have been much less of a problem if they had implemented the long sought after feature of getting logis on killmails without them having to use drones. If features were more thoughtthrough and less half-assedly implemented, much fewer people would be complaining. But alas, cart before the horse remains CCP’s modus operandi.
I don’t see how. I could assign 10 character’s worth of drones to another of my characters and nuke things off the field with my target painter. Doesn’t get much easier and scalable than that.
Sure, players will still multibox, but it will be less scalable and less AFK-able after these changes, and that is actually good for everyone, at least everyone that is actively playing the game. As usual, people seem to forget that this is a competitive, shared universe game and the changes that you have to deal with also affect the other players. If you are an active player, you attention will be more valuable and you will be better off.
Of course, if you are a low-attention/no-attention player, this will hurt you. But since that is the explicit, intended purpose of these changes, that is just tough luck for you.
The main idea - EVE Online is about PVP.
If you need ship for PVP you have to pay by PLEX for it or you should fil pain during ‘click-click’ on every drone during kill NPC.
That just does not even happen; like at all… it just does not… if you are imply that it does then you don’t know what your talking about and you are just trolling or being a CCP boot licker.
People interexchange the terms AFK and low/no attention gameplay in this and the previous thread all the time.
The players assigning drones to a single ship and aggressing everything onto a target pretty much had an in-game command broadcaster available for them, but it’s not the main point here.
The main point is that the player only paid attention to a single client, while paying low/no attention to their other ships.
This falls under the stuff CCP wished to address with this change.
There’s no need to bother with the definitions of AFK and low/no attention gameplay when anyone with a sensible mind can see what their purpose was, and that their main targets are the ones mad with the changes.
What do you mean? I and others do it all the time with RR drone boats for PvE or structure bashing. It’s like a standard way to do wormhole PvE and was a lot of fun in event sites like the Crimson Harvest.
Incursion fleets also do it routinely, and while they may be more real players than multiboxers, it still scales actions in a dramatic way. They will be impacted less than me and the other multiboxers so I think overall it is a good change.
No. It is NOT “about” PVP despite the fantasies you PVP obsessed lot have about it. Its MARKETED to be a sandbox, which means it is many things to many people.
Some people NEVER PVP and never will PVP and there is NOTHING you or CCP can do to force them too without altering enough stuff to self destruct the game. because…well you know what…I won’t even explain how or why.
I guess we will see mass missile ship multi-boxing soon. And I guess CCP will let players to inject skills needed for this and remove auto-targeting missiles for PVE. I will laugh a lot.
So you once did it for a special event or incursion fleets but you make it seem like its common place to log in your drone fleet alt army and run a SINGLE site… like that needs some kind of remedy… and im telling you … it does not happen