Thanks for bringing it up! I wanted to let you know that we will be reverting the change which restricted the setting of Medical Clones when no active Clone Bay service is present with tomorrow’s deployment.
Where did I say this? Are you just trying to put words in my mouth so you can come up with pretend arguments to attack?
Like I already said, this change is good for the game overall. A slight inconvenience on you that requires you to be less afk is a good bargain if it helps tone down the faucet in null.
Oh no…I was just curious about have you ever become aware of how unimportant you really are? And as you think about that, you might also realize you’re shilling for free! And that means, on some level, you probably realize I’m right unless you don’t realize it just yet. I mean take your life now, and really really look at it honestly and as you do that and wonder, really wonder, why you hadn’t realized before how empty it is, and how painful that void inside you really is, you’ll naturally realize intuitively, it’s certainly only going to get worse.
And the more you try in vain to prevent the fact you’re thinking about this, the more you actually will and the more you’ll become aware it’s all true. Now. Have you not?
I would love to see drones swapped over to something of a similar system to what carrier use. since fighters are just the xl version of drones there really shouldnt be a difference in the funtionality of the two. just like every other weapon system
Not saying the drone change is bad. but i think this is another example of ccp doing a half step. Drones shouldve had their auto attack system replaced with an engaging use such as the fighter system for carriers. that way dedicated drone boats become interesting to play and has a reason for extra button pushes.
I’m still surprised how this patch was about anti botting and getting at AFK drone ratting farms and how now its being a yay F*ck drone assist like that had ANYTHING to do with anything.
When its just they are half ass sloppy game dev; else they would have said something about drone assist before hand…
I’ll put it this way; basiclly any mind boggling stupid change CCP has pushed on people that people respond with THIS IS DUMB, CCP… has come back MONTHS LATER and shown HMMMM, Maybe we should not have done that; just save us the time and just stop and fix drone assist… Friday I’m unistalling and buying a new game if its not fixed; I already stopped auto renew on my sub cause it was supposed to buy 3 months in 4 days…
as others have said, i have no real beef with the auto aggro being tweaked, but even today i was targeting npcs with missiles and my drones would not engage even though they were well within range. i already had my pure drone boats fitted with an aggro generator to make the drones attack, but they arent. so what is the plan?
In the most polite way I can manage; you don’t know anyways; just liek you LIKE the fact they changed some ■■■■ that does not even affect you… it has no bearing on you… so you have no bearing on it… so who cares what you think…
I mean, it does have an influence on my gameplay because I can’t afk drone auto-aggro anymore. But I fix that by not being afk about it and actually controlling them.
But more than that, I’m able to see that this change may be positive for the overall game. I’m not the one throwing a little hissy fit on an forum because I now have to pay attention when playing a video game. lol
Yeah? hows it positive? lets hear the major impact changing Drone Assist has on the game? (You don’t need to answer because we both know you are trolling)
Its positive cause it pissed of some people on the forum and now you get to troll ? good for you…
Its positive because i need to pay closer attention to clicking twice the buttons on multiple client in a boring endless cycle WOW that is ■■■■■■■ amzing!!! CCP where did you come up with such exhilarating game play!!!
RR Domis are fun for example (and already APM intensive to multibox); and something thats not carrier ratting or mining or whatever complete mundane boring crap people do to make their isk; so its just needless to remove it…