Version 18.12 - Known Issues

Drone assist is not working as well as drone guard command whilst in a fleet. Please fix or at least confirm you are looking at this.


ok i got your point of view, but really about bots ect. but cmon fleet farming is now kind of dead cuz of this change. im not into auto agress, but when i give asist comand and i using a target painter on another ship drones SHOULD work insted of not atacking… its not afk farm or botting this change affect a lot of normal players.

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drone bunny is really important in fleet farming plz dont hurt normal players.


There are also ghost signatures. They have a small sphere and if you scan them once, they disappear.

Bad copy/paste work :nerd_face:

CCP revert Interdictors path?

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Silent Arazu rebalance?

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“r” and “n” still have bad kerning and looks like “m”


its a font looks like… rn = m if you draw them closely…

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r&d agent Vlan Peloelus is broken.

“ERROR: This agent doesn’t have any relevant research skills.”

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No we didn’t revert the interdictor changes (or Arazu). This was a bug that reverted some traits which we’ll be fixing in an upcoming patch.

Apologies for the scare in the meantime.

After the previous big font change managed the settings to be good, in case of some windows be least readable, now the rightclick menu is HUGE, its ridiculous.
Can we finally get separate settings for things? like most sensible games nowdays?


You know that this issue was visible on Hoboleaks and SiSi for weeks? Everbody knew it, but CCP again …


No daily task (Proving ground, skilling spree, etc)


Scannable signatures disappear into “filter” after being scanned by probes

Any public statements from CCP`s site about Drone Assignment being borked?

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Hi All

I can confirm that Research Agents I deal with lost RP Skills after I completed their Daily Mission, In this case it was provide them with minerals, the result was:

  • A Level 4 went from nearly 122 to 39 for both their RP/Day and the next Mission Reward
  • A Level 2 went from nearly 75 to 38 for both their RP/Day and the next Mission Reward

I had no other errors show up though.
hope that helps


Sorry for stupid question: drone assist not work against NPC too (this is bug or feature)?

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Drones attacking rats that agro the player and drone assist are two different things. Drone assist is when you assign drones to a drone bunny, and then those drones attack whatever the player is shooting at.

Moreover, as Zhalyd pointed out, drones are no longer automatically attacking what players shoot at. You actually have to press F to engage them.

I interpreted the dev post to mean that CCP was only getting rid of drones auto attacking NPC’s that aggrod the player, and not drones focusing fire on what the player was shooting at nor drone assist.


My lvl4 R&D agents worked, but they all lost RP/Day when I conversed with them. Went from ~90RP/day down to ~20RP/day. Mission rewards were at the lower RP level too. But I was able to converse, get missions, complete missions and buy datacores still.

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