Version 19.04 - General Feedback

Curious as to where this ccp rattani fellow got so frustrated with feedback that he said if you don’t like it quit? I keep seeing it referenced but I can’t seem to find the associated content. There are very few situations where the loss of any one of us would matter. But it is the only vote we seem to have. Why would they promote that path of action?

You know . I don’t mind that red dot… it helps me occasionally find stuff . Yes. Maybe a bit buggy yet. But not all bad either.

Just opened the Probe Scanner window for the first time since the update. Seriously, Who the hell thought this was a necessary change? Sure, having the ability to dock the Probe scanner sub-window on wither side would have been a fine addition, but arbitrarily moving it to the OTHER side with no way to go back? This is just one more minor symptom of the greater problem with CCP devs these days: Making changes for the sake of making changes because they really have no clue what they’re doing.

Stop making stupid changes and fix all the crap in this game that doesn’t work right. 15 years after starting to play this game, my drones STILL do not focus fire when commanded to. But we don’t get a fix for that we get arbitrary window movement for NO reason.


This would be an acceptable solution except the windows have minimum sizes that are larger than their docked equivalents. This makes it now take up far more screen real estate than it used to.

It’s fine for my 4k monitor, but on my other char on a 1080 monitor, there isn’t enough room.

Just a silly, pointless change. Adding the ability to dock to the right or left would have been fine. But there was no reason to just swap it.


pretty much this.


Yeah the wildest part about this is that there’s zero way of explaining it. It’s not like they were trying to fit more things in, or try a new menu system, or they’re working with limited real estate.

This is just arbitrarily moving something from left to right. There’s no advantage, no space gained for the dev team to put something else in. Nothing has condensed down, or streamlined.

They just decided they wanted to annoy players. Absolutely mental.


You know, there is a neat little search bar in the top right of your assets window. Much easyer then spotting a little red dot while scrolling across hundrets of items when you are looking for something after already staring at red dots for hours because for some stupid reason my monitor has acne.

You don’t mind is not an argument - i don’t care about the probe scanner either exept it’s a stupid design decission to restrikt how people arrange their windows and it’s a stupid decission to add offensive notifications all over my screen with no way of turning them off.

CCP keeps making the UI more convoluted and ugly every time they touch it.

Agency looks like im playing a mobile game.
Wallet used to have market orders tab instead of hiding that in a seperate window.
Clone UI used to be one button away instead of navigating all over my character sheet.

Now let’s TELL people on wich side of the screen they are to have their probe scanner because that makes f-ing sense, right?

He obviously never heard of Gerald Ratner.

It was a fanfest presentation, or one of the other meets.
And he was basically saying that not everyone will like EVE, and that some people quitting EVE because it’s developing in a direction they don’t like is not the end of the world.
What he was not saying is that CCP don’t care about player feedback, they absolutely do care about feedback.

Feedback that says ‘We don’t like the Direction of EVE, make a different sort of game’ is going to go nowhere.
The Feedback CCP will listen to is ‘You said EVE should be this sort of game, this change you are making isn’t as good as it could be to achieve that, here is a better way of doing your desired outcome’. They might not always act on it for a number of reasons, but that is the sort of feedback they will listen to.

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yeah, took only one year of uninterrupted campagning to get rid of the f-ing red dot because CCP care so much about player feedback

You want your UI to look like a turd - brown would be a better color to communicate that!


I’m so glad CCP decided to completely ruin the only use a Yacht ever had. Now you get to choose if you want the yacht to have the ability to cloak, or be nullified. Why not just leave it passive like the shuttles? It’s not like they can haul anything large or fight.


So you push this to live … fine

few things:
the Yacht realy should have gotten a 2nd High slot
the only Interceptor with a utillilty High is the Stilletto why dont the other nulli Ceptros have one/got one?
Might have been nice to seed the BP a few days ahead of the changes so those that rely on the nullification in say their expensive T3 dont have to play a different game for how ever long it takes for the T2 Variant to become available.

Also i like how you buffed gatecampers … cause yes this game needs to become more stale and traveling realy needed a nerf.



A quick market search for Interdiction Nullifier I blueprint also shows Interdiction Nullifier II blueprint listed.

Not normal for bpo’s is it?

Why does the nullification module have a penalty to drones?

The only drone ships that can use this module are drone T3Cs and I cannot imagine why these ships should be penalized. Poor Proteus.


So whats the oncensus?

More widespread use of Nullification due to the larger number of ships with it now, or stealth nerf dressed up like a buff to really give Null a way to close its doors to outsiders?

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Victorieux Luxury Yacht needs another high slot to fit the nullifier.




This change is absolute trash.


It was hilmar and he said it multiple time before the balance pass stuff started. Go watch the fan feast home edition where they all good naked, it is in that video some where.

Why hasn’t the shuttles been updated to show the new passive nullification they got? Did I misread something?


