Version 19.04 - General Feedback

I loved the way that last week they flipped the switch on the grandly announced industrial changes but didn’t even mention it in the patch notes

I guess that no notification AT ALL is the new normal from CCP

(It would do all well to remember: Some of “us” are CCP employees doing forum duty to fanboi any “improvements”, such as this loopy … patch is it called?)

I am interested in the precise nature of these so-called “industry revisions”.
Aren’t you?

  • The format for this special proving ground event for EVE’s 18th birthday is an 18 player T1 cruiser free-for-all! What could possibly go wrong?

Well if you have to ask, alts and teaming up with friends? dummy.

Pretty sure they just put out this week’s ‘patch’ to deflect from the previous one, since there’s nothing in it.

day 8 of the week.

Oh the ones for adding in reaction items into builds, etc, yes the changes that was announced in the forum but strangely no mention in the patch note when things were switched over etc

Ah yeah these changes :slight_smile:

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@CCP_Dopamine T1 Industrials on Sisi are getting the nullifier module, is this intended or a bug?
They are not on the forum post but in actual build


Are we supposed to find that yet in the event sites? :thinking:


Wow, just trying to brighten everyone’s day with a lame joke. Didn’t realize so many players had so much… unreleased tensions to be offended by the word “nude!” Next time I’ll be sure to criticize CCP and be negative to avoid community flagging.

Windows seem really broken.
I usually have separate windows in station and structures for Ship hanger and Item hanger but now they seem to not stay open even with the “Always open in separate window” ticked.
Sometimes I dock and one window is there and other times no windows at all.
Really annoying.
Tried resetting windows and toggling the lock window and Always above Fullscreen options tho no luck there.

Hiya ccp folks, wondering if you will respond/reply to any of people’s comments to the new windows/probe/d-scan? Will you add extra functionality, so I can move them back to the left hand side when docked and fix the mis-alignment with the docked windows now? I’m guessing you guys read these comments in the forums, and have seen the very occasional response. So I know its possible for you to respond. I guess games I used to play in the past had more proactive development team that took the time to communicate with players. I know this is a big game and you got lots of software things to work on…but an answer to will you fix these issues or not shouldn’t take too long. A simple response like, no we have no plans to update it, or yes we will build more functionality into it as we have time, or we will make it a priority to fix this for you guys. Thanks

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Why does a session change timer after docking prevent me from Log Off to char selection screen but not from Quitting the game? If that timer is that important to figure out whether I am in a ship and docked or not, I should not be able to quit with it running.

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you are restrict my free to speech. its now day 10.

I’m hoping - perhaps naively - that their silence on this is because they’re putting it right and want to tell us next week that it’s fixed.

I’ve tried playing it regularly this week to give it a chance and it’s just so bad. I mean really, really unintuitive.

remember the :red_circle: RED DOT :red_circle:
good luck :rofl:


The UI change seems to have had the effect of stopping windows from appearing on top, that before would have appeared on top of all the other ones. The specific example I have is the Fleet invite window. Has anyone else had an issue like this? Or am I just imaging it?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I too dream of a Utopian World where companies actually take responisbility for communicating with their customers directly.

Dear game developers, turn the dscan interface back to the left. You just spoil the game with unnecessary changes. I just don’t want to play with such changes.:frowning:


Dear CCP When do you return the dscan interface settings as they were? How long has passed, you see that the players are not comfortable with your changes. Why do not you take any measures and do not return them as they were?