Hunter’s Boon | EVE Online news article says T3C SP loss removed, but in game ship descriptions say SP loss still present. which is true?
By making the graphics apparently worse and nerfing Marauders CCP continues to drive a final conclusion on this game’s future only one direction.
Well, effective immunity from EWAR and combat probes seems kind of OP to me. I mean, they’re still strong, just no longer stupid OP.
I’m starting to believe you when you say PvP in EVE is now happening between devs and the players.
Good god, why remove useful things???
CCP while you’re into removing things, how about them bots, hmm?
yoyo’ing more severely than an ADHD person on caffeine, dafuq are they putting in your coffee CCP
They were not immune to combat probes at all. I’ve been combat probed down twice in the last month while actively moving the ship around to try to get to safety
Higher color saturation and contrast with no greys makes almost everything look fake. Greys and subtle tones are part of our daily vision, removing them from the game palette doesn’t improve anything. Sorry but the art department truly messed up this time.
The Sounds of some of the star-gate are still messed up.
I have to log off and log back on after awhile, the sounds just get to be real annoying after while
Well, perhaps someone who actually knows can chime in. But I had heard that bastion mod + 1xSebo + ECCM script made you un-probable by anyone who didn’t have max skill + virtues.
In more ways than you think, too.
In my opinion, Devs and CSM shouldn’t be able to play the game but only on Sisi as they have clear advantages over the average players.
Only morons complained about cloaky camping. Competent people never complained about it because they know how to work with it.
Good that the Trig Shits invasion is over. Had the Marauder’s Bastion module been nerfed then already, my experience in this hideous feature would have been 10 times worse than it already was. Now, I guess they just want to nerf them for anything related to ISK printing and day tripping into W-space.
Marauders with bastion turned on + Sebo with ECCM script were only probable by bonused ships with expensive pod. With max skills, a T2 explorer or T3C you would need a 500M pod at least.
Obviously a Marauder that is ‘actively moved around’ could easily be combat probed down while it was not in bastion. You had to turn on the bastion for that to be the case.
You’re both right.
- Fixed an issue that caused Crtl+Tab to close fullscreen window in display.
I dont know what the correlation is but you fixed just general Ctrl-Tab between windows, thank you!
Just compare the Dreadnought price and the Marauder price and then their respective Siege Module I and Bastion I buffs, multiply it on two, take square root from the result and find the quality coefficient of this nerf.
They kind of have to be in the game though. How else would they find out if things need improving or nerfing?
Not only that but CSM are regular players that CCP humours for the most part… and Mike helps players, too, so…
Bastion mode is already a “press here to commit” button.
You can still be neuted
You can still be booshed
You can still be scrammed(after nerf)
You get a weapons timer while it’s active(Dreads don’t even get this crap)
And yet…
Adjusted a Bastion Module:
Target painter resistance has been reduced from -95% to -50%.
Sensor dampener resistance has been reduced from -95% to -50%.
Weapon disruption resistance has been reduced from -99% to -50%.
Bonus to sensor strength has been reduced from 1,000% to 100%.
Removed the ECM Immunity.
WHY, WHY!!! This wasn’t needed, OR ASKED FOR!!!
Marauders were the one subcap that you brought to the table when EWAR became overbearing in an encounter. The one ship that Actually held the ground around it. The ship that could “Dig In” as it were.
Go back up to 1 minute Bastion timers
Take back the 50% damage buff.
But return the one thing that made the ship useful!!!
I read some reddit posts and other places that kinda of reported that Fraternity were using Kronos Fleets to turbo krab non-blues in their territory…
Maybe some Dev got his arse kicked and thought Marauders needed to be nerfed…
Think about that one…
I have been begging for ages for an extra high on the Pacifier , so thanks.
But imo the extra missile/turret hardpoint may be a step too far.
232 dps is a little on the high side for a frig that can dictate range and warp cloaked to choose its fights.
i would drop the extra hardpoint but leave the extra high for probe launcher.
2k sec on oversize ab
232 dps
5k+ shields
This is with no bling.
[Pacifier, *omg]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Ballistic Control System II
Warp Scrambler II
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Small Ancillary Current Router II
It still is very effective against EWAR. It may not be almost immune anymore, but a 50% resistance against EWAR is still significant.