Version 19.08 - General Feedback

I can’t see sp required by right clicking

If I need a skill plan, I just think of one myself. It isn’t exactly, you know, “hard”, planning ahead that is.


now you see why they needed to change it… too good

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And while you’re at it, could you also bring back the old tool-tips, with the ability to see/buy skills.

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The missing information about the SP needed for each level (or at least level 5) is currently buried where you first need to do right-click, show info, and THEN you mouse over the + sign in the popup to view this. This can be annoying to an alpha account where you have a limited total amount of SP that you can collect.

Suggestion: Make it so that when you mouse over the + sign in the main window, it shows both time to train and SP needed - as all it says currently is “Add level # of this skill to your training queue” there should be plenty of room to add in two more lines, one of “time to train the next level” and “#/#” for current SP / SP for level 5.

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If you have the skill learned (but not @ lvl5), then right clicking will show you the training time. Otherwise, all you can do is basically see the same options as you do with inventory items in your hangar.

true, however, i am not interested in training time, i want to know how many skillpoints it will cost

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I hope i am the 1st to notice this feature. Was this the same before the update? I cant seem to find any way to read the 1st row of missing materials. EVE is hard.


It’s 2021. You’ve taken away Jukebox, the ability to customize our UI colors… please start giving. Letting us opt-in/opt-out of the new map was great. Let us do the same for UI changes. And give us options. Make different UIs for us to choose from and let us customize them a bit.


next stop: HUD overhaul incoming.

Opt in option to keep using the old character sheet pleasee


New Skills window …

  1. Sorting categories. Now they are simply arranged alphabetically - there is no logic in that. Previously, they were structured - that was good.

  2. Too large elements. Very big! And there are no options to make them compact.

  3. Duplication of the status of knowledge of skills. I already see on the left that my skill is not 5/5, why do I need a check mark or a plus sign to the right of it? (Also very large). More broadly, why would I even know that the skill is not 5/5 - maybe I don’t have such a goal?

  4. Design. The new skill window is like a copy-paste from some other game - not from Eve. (The same applies to the new icon on the Neocom panel). This point is applicable to the character window - it looks on the top-left side (diagonal corners) as if the designer really wanted “design” and forgot about simplicity.


First of all, on the plus side, having played around with it a bit more, I enjoy not having to scroll through the skill queue as much.

Suggestions to improve the skill UI:

  1. Most importantly: Add in the time it takes to learn each skill again, in the bottom left. I can right-click and the info is there, but I prefer having an overview and looking at all the skills including their required time. It’s the number one thing I look at when choosing skills and training order.

  2. I can barely see the edges of the window. I think it needs a border, just like both of the maps and a lot of other windows.

  3. There’s overlapping text on the skill queue even with a very big window. Suggest to utilize the empty space on the left side of the queue to reduce overlapping.

  4. Double-clicking a skill used to add it to the queue. If that function is not desired, at least let a double-click show the info of that skill.

  5. Button that allows to quickly purchase a skill injector will not show up if I have unallocated skill points. I would prefer having it show up all the time.

  6. Bug: Alphabetical order is broken in other languages (see “Panzerung” for Amor, first category on the screenshot)

  1. Also a bug: If you click anywhere in the area marked in green (basically the whole border), you click through the window. You will move your camera or activate windows/buttons that are underneath it.


Revert the new windows while keeping and find some way to put skill plans into the old one without breaking it. Every time a UI revamp gets introduced we lose functionality from how they were previously for some sleek new aesthetic that does nothing other than look like a mobile game.


Following today’s hotfix patch I am unable to stay logged in for more than a minute or two, interacting with any UI elements (especially skill tree) causes an instantaneous connection lost.

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Nope, I have the same experience for the Vehement. They seem to have moved the entire grid up. The Redeemer grid is also not completely visible or at least smashed right into the

Other things like the Caiman or Dagon seem to have mashed together grids:


It makes me wonder if its 3D at all and not just something like an animated gif or something similar. Wouldn’t it be great if they decided that every time you open the thing (which seems to take a suspiciously long time) your client had to generate a couple of hundred frames to make an animation?
Yah, that would be wonderful, I hope its that.

Is this a bug or a feature?
Whatever it is it needs to stop:

@Brisc_Rubal you have the patience of a saint. Thanks also to @Mike_Azariah for jumping in to collect feedback.

Here’s my take, I like the changes, I’m glad to see the skill queue now has a vertical pane again. Would have liked the skills to be listed vertically in collapsible sub-groups i.e. like the skill window 5 years ago, but this is a much better UI than what came immediately before IMO.

I don’t like the gap between the skills and skill queue, would like to see this removed + the vertical divider between the 2 to be moveable so I can expand the width of the skill queue.



UI changes for the skill planning and que are pretty bad.

The first rule of life is… If it is not broken, don’t fix it!!!

There is more functionality on my Android EVE Portal app then there is in the game… Which is pretty bad.

Can we please go back to the original UI and just add in the ability to create skill plans!

Thanks, however with out another Burn Jita event I don’t even think CCP you acknowledged the issues with the UI.
